对于笛卡尔生产,有一个足够好的功能 -定义如下的序列:

let rec sequence = function 
  | []      -> Seq.singleton [] 
  | (l::ls) -> seq { for x in l do for xs in sequence ls do yield (x::xs) } 


序列 [[1..2];[1..10000]] |> Seq.skip 1000 ;; 验证它:seq = seq [[1; 1001];[1; 1002];[1; 1003];[1; 1004];...]



/// Sum of all producted indeces = n
let rec hyper'plane'indices indexsum maxlengths =
    match maxlengths with 
    | [x]        -> if indexsum < x then [[indexsum]] else []
    | (i::is)   -> [for x in [0 .. min indexsum (i-1)] do for xs in hyper'plane'indices (indexsum-x) is do yield (x::xs)]
    | []        -> [[]]

let finite'sequence = function
    | [] -> Seq.singleton []
    | ns -> 
        let ars = [ for n in ns -> Seq.toArray n ]
        let length'list = List.map Array.length ars
        let nmax = List.max length'list
        seq { 
            for n in [0 .. nmax] do 
            for ixs in hyper'plane'indices n length'list do 
                yield (List.map2 (fun (a:'a[]) i -> a.[i]) ars ixs) 

关键思想是将(两个)列表视为(两个)正交维度,其中每个元素都由列表中的索引标记。因此,我们可以通过超平面枚举笛卡尔积的每个部分中的每个元素来枚举所有元素(在二维情况下,这是一条线)。换句话说,想象一下 excel 的工作表,其中第一列包含从 [1;1] 到 [1;10000] 的值,第二列包含从 [2;1] 到 [2;10000] 的值。编号为 1 的“超平面”是连接单元格 A2 和单元格 B1 的线。对于我们的例子

超'平面'索引 0 [2;10000];; 验证它:int list list = [[0; 0]]
超'平面'索引 1 [2;10000];; 验证它:int list list = [[0; 1]; [1; 0]]
超'平面'索引 2 [2;10000];; 验证它:int list list = [[0; 2]; [1; 1]]
超'平面'索引 3 [2;10000];; 验证它:int list list = [[0; 3]; [1; 2]]
超'平面'索引 4 [2;10000];; 验证它:int list list = [[0; 4]; [1; 3]]

好吧,如果我们有从给定列表生成的索引和数组,那么我们现在可以将序列定义为{平面 0 中的所有元素;比平面 1 中的所有元素 ... 等等 } 并获得比原始序列更多的 volatile 函数。




1 回答 1


你能解释一下究竟是什么问题 - 时间或空间复杂性或性能?你有一个特定的基准吗?我不确定如何改善这里的时间复杂度,但我稍微编辑了您的代码以删除中间列表,这可能对内存分配行为有所帮助。


for n in [0 .. nmax] do


for n in 0 .. nmax do


let rec hyper'plane'indices indexsum maxlengths =
    match maxlengths with
    | [] -> Seq.singleton []
    | [x] -> if indexsum < x then Seq.singleton [indexsum] else Seq.empty
    | i :: is ->
        seq {
            for x in 0 .. min indexsum (i - 1) do
                for xs in hyper'plane'indices (indexsum - x) is do
                    yield x :: xs

let finite'sequence xs =
    match xs with
    | [] -> Seq.singleton []
    | ns -> 
        let ars = [ for n in ns -> Seq.toArray n ]
        let length'list = List.map Array.length ars
        let nmax = List.max length'list
        seq {
            for n in 0 .. nmax do
                for ixs in hyper'plane'indices n length'list do
                    yield List.map2 Array.get ars ixs


更新:也许您更感兴趣的是公平地混合序列,而不是维护算法中的确切公式。这是一个 Haskell 代码,它公平地混合了有限数量的可能无限序列,其中公平意味着对于每个输入元素,都有一个包含它的输出序列的有限前缀。您在评论中提到您有一个难以推广到 N 维的 2D 增量解决方案,而 Haskell 代码正是这样做的:

merge :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge [] y          = y
merge x []          = x
merge (x:xs) (y:ys) = x : y : merge xs ys

prod :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
prod _ [] _ = []
prod _ _ [] = []
prod f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : a `merge` b `merge` prod f xs ys where
  a = [f x y | x <- xs] 
  b = [f x y | y <- ys]

prodN :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
prodN []     = [[]]
prodN (x:xs) = prod (:) x (prodN xs)

我还没有将它移植到 F# - 它需要一些思考,因为序列不能很好地匹配头/尾。

更新 2:

接下来是对 F# 的相当机械的翻译。

type Node<'T> =
    | Nil
    | Cons of 'T * Stream<'T>

and Stream<'T> = Lazy<Node<'T>>

let ( !! ) (x: Lazy<'T>) = x.Value
let ( !^ ) x = Lazy.CreateFromValue(x)

let rec merge (xs: Stream<'T>) (ys: Stream<'T>) : Stream<'T> =
    match !!xs, !!ys with
    | Nil, r | r, Nil -> r
    | Cons (x, xs), Cons (y, ys) -> Cons (x, !^ (Cons (y, merge xs ys)))

let rec map (f: 'T1 -> 'T2) (xs: Stream<'T1>) : Stream<'T2> =
    match !!xs with
    | Nil -> Nil
    | Cons (x, xs) -> Cons (f x, map f xs)

let ( ++ ) = merge

let rec prod f xs ys =
    match !!xs, !!ys with
    | Nil, _ | _, Nil -> Nil
    | Cons (x, xs), Cons (y, ys) ->
        let a = map (fun x -> f x y) xs
        let b = map (fun y -> f x y) ys
        Cons (f x y, a ++ b ++ prod f xs ys)

let ofSeq (s: seq<'T>) =
    let e = s.GetEnumerator()
    let rec loop () =
        if e.MoveNext()
            then Cons (e.Current, loop ())
            else e.Dispose(); Nil
    !! (loop ())

let toSeq stream =
    |> Seq.unfold (fun stream ->
        match !!stream with
        | Nil -> None
        | Cons (x, xs) -> Some (x, xs))

let empty<'T> : Stream<'T> = !^ Nil
let cons x xs = !^ (Cons (x, xs))
let singleton x = cons x empty

let rec prodN (xs: Stream<Stream<'T>>) : Stream<Stream<'T>> =
    match !!xs with
    | Nil -> singleton empty
    | Cons (x, xs) -> prod cons x (prodN xs)

let test () =
    ofSeq [
        ofSeq [1; 2; 3]
        ofSeq [4; 5; 6]
        ofSeq [7; 8; 9]
    |> prodN
    |> toSeq
    |> Seq.iter (fun xs ->
        toSeq xs
        |> Seq.map string
        |> String.concat ", "
        |> stdout.WriteLine)
于 2012-07-11T20:50:14.967 回答