我正在寻找一种方法来呈现带有脚注的 pdf 文档,其中脚注文本出现在与脚注参考相同的页面的页脚中(而不是文档结尾)。这种脚注出现在书籍中,例如译者的注释所在的地方。能够将脚注引用与脚注文本链接是可选的。
到目前为止,我查看了 Prawn 和 PDFKit,但似乎找不到一个简单的解决方案。
Prawn::Document.generate("foo.pdf",:page_size => 'A4') do #read 150 lorem ipsum records of various length records = File.read( Rails.root.join("lib/assets/lorem_ipsum_paragraphs.txt") ).split("\n").reject(&:blank?) #assign some random footnotes to the paragraphs footnotes = { 1 => '* ' + records[120], 2 => '* ' + records[54], 11 => '* ' + records[2] } #this array will hold the current footnotes to draw #the assumption being we'll draw them on the current page as soon as we #reach the part of the page where we need to fit those footnotes_to_draw = [] #this will hold the amount of space required to draw the footnotes space_needed = 0 for i in 0..records.length str = records[i] if footnotes.keys.include? i str += '*'#this one has a footnote attached footnotes_to_draw << footnotes[i] space_needed += (height_of(footnotes[i]) + 15) end text "#{str}" if space_needed > 0 #that means we will need to draw a footer on this page space_available = cursor puts "space needed: #{space_needed}, space available: #{space_available}" #check if we can still draw the next record, or now's the time' unless space_available - space_needed > height_of(records[i+1]) puts "draw footer now" bounding_box [0,space_needed], :width => bounds.width, :height => space_needed do stroke_horizontal_rule footnotes_to_draw.each do |footnote| pad(10){text footnote} end end #reset current footnotes footnotes_to_draw = [] space_needed = 0 move_down space_needed end end end end