我有一个必须使用的 Ajax 帖子的 JQuery 错误处理程序,它根据该元素的字段名称向 html 附加一个错误,如下所示
$(document).ready(function () {
function myHandler(e, error) {
var tag = "";
if (error.Success == true) { $('.field-validation-error').remove(); return; } // if success remove old validation and don't continue
if (error.Success == false) { $('.field-validation-error').remove(); } // if success remove old validation and continue
for (i = 0; i < error.Errors.length; i++) {
var t = error.Errors[i];
//get error key and assign it to id
tag = t.Key;
//clear down any existing json-validation
for (j = 0; j < t.Value.length; j++) {
//this part assumes that our error key is the same as our inputs name
$('<span class="field-validation-error">' + t.Value[j].ErrorMessage + '</span>').insertAfter('input[name="' + tag + '"], textarea[name="' + tag + '"], select[name="' + tag + '"], span[name="' + tag + '"]');
$.subscribe("/******/errors", myHandler);
foreach (var item in model.Locations)
var cityRepos = new CityRepository(NhSession);
var cityItem = cityRepos.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Country.Id == item.CountryID && o.Name == item.City);
if (cityItem == null)
ModelState.AddModelError("City", string.Format(@"The city ""{0}"" was not found, please ensure you have spelt it correctly. TODO: add a mail to link here with city not found subject", item.City));
问题是modelstate错误需要附加到html字段名称而不是我的魔术字符串“City”。html name 属性是 MVC 生成的,看起来像这样:
我的问题是我可以在 MVC 发布操作中对我的模型属性使用此方法来获取它来自的 html 名称属性吗?