我有一个庞大的固定文本字符串库,以及一个经常更改的输入字符串 s。我需要在最短的时间内从库中的任何字符串到 s 中找到最长的匹配子字符串,从字符串 s 的开头开始。在一个完美的世界中,我还会从库中返回下一个最长的匹配,以及下一个最好的匹配,依此类推。这不是最长的公共字符串问题 - 我不是在为库中的所有字符串寻找最长的公共字符串......我只需要尽可能快地在 s 和庞大库中的每个字符串之间找到一个成对的最佳子字符串。
2 回答
After rereading, I think the best way to do this is probably to build a trie or a prefix tree of your big library of strings, then match s
against that.
This has a couple of advantages. First, it stores your big library in (at least somewhat) compressed form. Second, it more or less automatically tells you all the strings that match a given input, not just the longest one.
It also fits your use case quite well -- while it takes quite a bit of work to build a trie or (especially) a prefix tree from the input, using it afterwards is quite fast.
提前对列表进行排序(即编译时间或之前),然后使用 bsearch
顺便说一句,bsearch 不一定是最快的,因为它通过了比较器函数,但在标准 C 库中。