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        <Run FontFamily="Segoe WP" FontSize="27" FontWeight="ExtraBlack" TextDecorations="Underline">
           7 Waist-Slimming Ab Exercises
            <LineBreak />
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        <Run Text="Fly up"/>
        <Run Text="Target: Rectus abdominis"/>
        <Run Text="1.Sit on a folded towel on floor, lean back to rest on elbows and place feet together on a wall in front of you so that knees are bent about 90 degrees."/>
        <Run Text="2.Extend legs up, keeping feet against wall, then press rounded lower back into floor and squeeze abs as you lift arms to reach toward feet, elbows soft. Make it harder: Press feet into wall as you reach."/>
        <Run Text="3. Do 20 pulses: Curl torso up 1 inch, then lower 1 inch."/>
        <Run Text="4.Do 3 sets, hugging knees to chest to rest between sets."/>
        <Run Text="Pelvic Scoop"/>
        <Run Text="Targets: Lower back, rectus and transversus abdominis, obliques, and butt"/>
        <Run Text=" 1.Lie faceup on floor with back resting on folded towel, knees bent and feet flat on floor, arms by sides."/>
        <Run Text="2.Cross right ankle onto left thigh just above knee so bent right knee points out to side; flex left foot so only heel rests on floor."/>
        <Run Text="3. Rounding lower back and squeezing abs, lift hips off floor so pelvis tilts up toward ribs. Curl pelvis as far as you can without arching back; pull abs in to lift rather than press through left heel. Lower to floor."/>
        <Run Text="4.Do 10 reps, holding the lift for 10 seconds on the final one. Switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets."/>


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于 2012-07-10T21:22:27.317 回答