以下模块对我来说一直失败,告诉我“NoneType”类型的对象没有 len(),但似乎传递的对象是一个列表,而不是“NoneType”类型的对象。我包括下面的模块和输出。
def Purge_Polyploid_MisScores(dictOfLists):
#print "dict getting passed to Purge_Polyploid_MisScores function", dictOfLists
for x in dictOfLists.keys():
for y in range (0, len(dictOfLists[x])):
print "x", x, " and y", y
print dictOfLists[x][y]
#if not dictOfLists[x][y]:
#print "error at ",x,dictOfLists[str(int(x)-1)][0]
if len(dictOfLists[x][y])>3:
for z in dictOfLists[x][y]:
if dictOfLists[x][y].count(z)>2:
print "removed ",z," at dictOfLists[",x,"][",y,"]", dictOfLists[x][y]
#I think this produces an error: dictOfLists[x][y]=dictOfLists[x][y].remove(z)
print "now, it looks like", dictOfLists[x][y]
if len(dictOfLists[x][y])>3:
print "The Length is still greater than 3! at dictOfLists[",x,"][",y,"]", dictOfLists[x][y]
#print "the reason you have a polyploid is not a mis-score"
#print "dictOfLists[",x,"][",y,"]",dictOfLists[x][y]
print "Reached the end of the loop"
return dictOfLists
x 449 and y 100
['Yellow submarine', '273', '273']
Reached the end of the loop
x 449 and y 101
['Heartland', '250', '250', '250']
removed 250 at dictOfLists[ 449 ][ 101 ] ['Heartland', '250', '250', '250']
now, it looks like ['Heartland', '250', '250']
Reached the end of the loop
x 449 and y 102
['Julia', '116', '119', '**']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "fast_run.py", line 11, in <module>
sample_names_list_e1_keys_as_numbers_e2=transpose.combine_allele_report_pipeline_dict(pipeline_directory, keeplist_address, rejected_samples_address)
File "/Users/markfisher/transpose.py", line 887, in combine_allele_report_pipeline_dict
File "/Users/markfisher/transpose.py", line 1332, in Purge_Polyploid_MisScores
if len(dictOfLists[x][y])>3:
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()
换句话说,['Julia', '116', '119', '**']
似乎在 if 上失败了len(['Julia', '116', '119', '**'])>3