07-10 15:27:48.158: W/System.err(1300): java.io.IOException
07-10 15:27:48.158: W/System.err(1300):     at android.nfc.tech.BasicTagTechnology.connect(BasicTagTechnology.java:85)
07-10 15:27:48.158: W/System.err(1300):     at android.nfc.tech.NdefFormatable.connect(NdefFormatable.java:47)

The above error is what i get when i try writing an NdefFormattable fresh empty tag using

NdefFormatable nf = NdefFormatable.get(localTag);

where nm is a correctly formatted NdefMessage.

I have no idea why this error is coming. This is android api-15.

Also, i know IO has got to do with the actual writing process. But the tag i'm trying to write is in the same place as when it is read!


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