Actually i am working on android platform,I am using robotium for automation testing.In my scenario i dont have the code i only have the apk file of an application which i can resign it and do my automation testing.For resigning of signature of apk i am using resign.jar ,i got stuck up over here.

Actually i have set Android_Home and every other variables are set but when i drop the apk file and save it by some name the .jar file is getting hanged up.

What might be the issue.!


1 回答 1


如果您从开发人员那里获得必须测试的 apk 文件,请执行以下步骤以使用您的密钥库对其进行签名:

而已!之后,您应该能够针对 apk 文件进行测试!

于 2012-07-10T10:51:32.387 回答