我正在尝试在 Mac OSX 10.6 上安装 Dancer::Plugin::Feed 并且遇到了这个依赖问题:

CPAN.pm: Going to build H/HO/HOBBESTIG/Dancer-Plugin-Feed-0.7.tar.gz

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for Dancer::Plugin::Feed
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
----  HOBBESTIG/Dancer-Plugin-Feed-0.7.tar.gz ----
    t::lib::TestApp [build_requires]
Shall I follow them and prepend them to the queue
of modules we are processing right now? [yes] 
Running make test
  Delayed until after prerequisites
Running make install
  Delayed until after prerequisites
Running install for module 't::lib::TestApp'
  The module t::lib::TestApp isn't available on CPAN.

  Either the module has not yet been uploaded to CPAN, or it is
  temporary unavailable. Please contact the author to find out
  more about the status. Try 'i t::lib::TestApp'.

我的 Perl 版本:

perl --version

This is perl, v5.10.0 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
(with 2 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)




2 回答 2



但是,看起来 prereq 中的 prereqMakefile.PL可能是由 Dist::Zilla 自动生成的,并且它已经use t::lib::TestApp在其中一个测试中看到了该语句并将该模块添加到 pre-reqs 中。

强制安装模块现在应该可以工作;该插件的作者将需要发布具有固定前置要求列表的更新版本。我相信我之前在 IRC 上看到过这个问题,所以它似乎已经在手了,但我会仔细检查一下。

于 2012-07-10T11:52:51.540 回答

问题不在于该模块不在 CPAN 上。它是Dancer::Plugin::Feed 分发的一部分。问题似乎是 CPAN.pm 看不到它在发行版中可用。

如今,CPAN.pm 被视为有点过时了。您是否尝试过 CPANPLUS(您将与 Perl 5.10.0 一起安装)或 cpanminus?

于 2012-07-10T10:51:45.767 回答