我目前正在与打字稿作斗争。我需要存档的是有一个选择框,其中包含某个页面的所有页面(第 1 级、第 2 级)。
因此,假设我有一个名为“产品”的页面,其中包含子项“产品 1”和“产品 2”。“产品 1”和“产品 2”都有自己的其他子项。
temp.drop_down_box = COA
temp.drop_down_box {
10 = HMENU
10 {
# Special menu type 'directory': Get subpages of the current page
special = directory
# '123' is the uid of the page, for which the subpages shall be listed in the drop down box
special.value = 35
# Select box with JavaScript event 'onChange' that enables a jump to the target page, once an entry has been selected in the list
wrap = <select name="dropdown_navigation" size="1" onChange="document.location.href='index.php?id=' + this.value">|</select>
1 {
expAll = 1
noBlur = 1
NO {
# 'value' holds the uid of the page in the list (is later appended to the target URL above)
stdWrap.dataWrap = <option value="{field:uid}">
allWrap = |</option>
# Don't wrap the items in link tags
doNotLinkIt = 1
# Inherit the 'allWrap' and 'doNotLinkIt' settings from the NO part
CUR < copy">.NO
CUR = 1
# If we're on the current page, mark this list entry as 'selected'
stdWrap.dataWrap = <option value="{field:uid}" selected="selected">
- Product 1
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Product 2
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
... 等等。
最好的问候, 安德烈亚斯
* 编辑:得到它的工作:
temp.drop_down_box = COA
temp.drop_down_box {
10 = HMENU
10 {
// ... {code from first part of question here} ...
// additional levels copying 1 level and changing required values
2 < .1
2.NO.linkWrap = <option value="{field:uid}">-- |</option>
3 < .1
3.NO.linkWrap = <option value="{field:uid}">---- |</option>