Looking around I found nothing that addresses my issue so here goes.

I have a 3rd party library I will to use Symfony2, It has it's own Auto Loader and the project of structured into something like this

   - Classes
      - Actions
   - Library
      - Package Name
         - Actions
         - Connection

The project is namespaced.

My question is should I

a- re-write this into a Bundle (In-house)
b- add this to the Vendors directory and create a wrapper for this

If option a would you also point me on how to structure the app for Symfony, Or if option b do I use their Auto Loader or Symfonys?

Thanks for any help on this


1 回答 1


绝对 B。

像所有其他供应商一样包含供应商库,然后创建您自己的捆绑包,它将“桥接”任何 symfony 特定的功能(如果有的话)。如果他们有自动加载器,那么使用它应该没问题。

于 2012-07-10T03:26:36.657 回答