I'm trying to turn off textarea resizing in my site; right now I'm using this method:

.textarea {
    min-width: 267px;
    max-width: 267px;

I know that my method is not correct and I'm searching for a better one in JavaScript. I'm a beginner, so the best solution for me will be HTML5 or jQuery.


8 回答 8


Try this CSS to disable resizing

The CSS to disable resizing for all textareas looks like this:

textarea {
    resize: none;

You could instead just assign it to a single textarea by name (where the textarea HTML is ):

textarea[name=foo] {
    resize: none;

Or by id (where the textarea HTML is ):

#foo {
    resize: none;

Taken from: http://www.electrictoolbox.com/disable-textarea-resizing-safari-chrome/

于 2012-07-09T19:21:02.453 回答

this will do your job


enter image description here

于 2012-07-09T19:23:57.790 回答

CSS3 can solve this problem. Unfortunately it's only supported on 60% of used browsers nowadays.

For IE and iOS you can't turn off resizing but you can limit the textarea dimension by setting its width and height.

/* One can also turn on/off specific axis. Defaults to both on. */
textarea { resize:vertical; } /* none|horizontal|vertical|both */

See Demo

于 2015-10-30T23:24:20.847 回答

Just one extra option, if you want to revert the default behaviour for all textareas in the application, you could add the following to your CSS:

textarea:not([resize="true"]) {
  resize: none !important;

And do the following to enable where you want resizing:

<textarea resize="true"></textarea>

Have in mind this solution might not work in all browsers you may want to support. You can check the list of support for resize here: http://caniuse.com/#feat=css-resize

于 2016-07-08T20:17:27.063 回答

This is works for me

  style="resize: none"
Some text

于 2019-10-23T05:20:36.193 回答

As per the question, i have listed the answers in javascript

By Selecting TagName

document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].style.resize = "none";

By Selecting Id

document.getElementById('textArea').style.resize = "none";
于 2017-12-06T07:05:52.173 回答

It can done easy by just using html draggable attribute

<textarea name="mytextarea" draggable="false"></textarea>

Default value is true.

于 2015-07-21T05:23:10.170 回答
.textarea {
    resize: none;
    min-width: //-> Integer number of pixels
    min-height: //-> Integer number of pixels
    max-width: //-> min-width
    max-height: //-> min-height

above code works on most browsers

<textarea id='textarea' draggable='false'></textarea>

do both for it to work on the maximum number of browsers

于 2016-12-18T18:32:01.517 回答