I am trying to do a mongorestore command and I am not sure how to find the directory of where the data is.

The command is something like this:

mongorestore -v --db new_db_dump [path to the dump directory]

and I am not sure how to find where on my local computer the current dump is so I don't know what the [path to the dump directory] is supposed to be.

Any ideas for how to find it? I am on a mac.



1 回答 1


默认情况下,mongodump 将其输出放在当前工作目录中名为“dump”的子目录中。如果您在执行 mongodump 时忘记了您所在的位置,请尝试在 finder 中搜索“dump”,查看名为“dump”的结果文件夹,并检查其内容。每个数据库的“转储”内都会有一个子目录。

于 2012-07-09T19:20:17.600 回答