I'm trying to parse a grails parameter map to a Json String, and then back to a parameter map. (For saving html form entries with constraint-violations)
Everything is fine as long as there is no hasMany relationship in the parameter-map.
I'm using
fc.parameter = params as JSON
to save the params as JSON String.
Later I'm trying to rebuild the parameter map and create a new Domain-Object with it:
new Foo(JSON.parse(fc.parameter))
Everything is fine using only 1:1 relationships (states).
[states:2, listSize:50, name:TestFilter]
But when I try to rebuild a params-map with multi-select values (states)
[states:[1,2], listSize:50, name:TestFilter]
I'm getting this IllegalStateException:
Failed to convert property value of type org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.JSONArray to required type java.util.Set for property states; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot convert value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [de.gotosec.approve.State] for property states[0]: no matching editors or conversion strategy found
I tried to use this, but without success:
JSON.use("deep") {
new Foo(JSON.parse(fc.parameter))