我有一个非常基本的疑问。通常,我必须编写使用缓冲文件 I/O 的应用程序,每次我面临选择缓冲区大小的困境时,我最终都会经常反复试验,结果非常糟糕。我想知道是否有任何方法或算法可以像 Teracopy 在 Windows 中处理文件时那样根据底层平台自动确定作业的最佳缓冲区大小。我主要将 Qt 用于 GUI。
如果可能的话,非常感谢 C/C++/C#/Java 中的一个小例子!
在 Java 中,最佳值通常是 L1 缓存大小,通常为 32 KB。在 Java 中,至少选择 1024 字节或 1 MB 并没有太大区别(<20%)
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
for (int i = 512; i <= 2 * 1024 * 1024; i *= 2)
private static void readWrite(int blockSize) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(blockSize);
long start = System.nanoTime();
FileChannel out = new FileOutputStream("deleteme.dat").getChannel();
for (int i = 0; i < (1024 << 20); i += blockSize) {
while (bb.remaining() > 0)
if (out.write(bb) < 1) throw new AssertionError();
long mid = System.nanoTime();
FileChannel in = new FileInputStream("deleteme.dat").getChannel();
for (int i = 0; i < (1024 << 20); i += blockSize) {
while (bb.remaining() > 0)
if (in.read(bb) < 1) throw new AssertionError();
long end = System.nanoTime();
System.out.printf("With %.1f KB block size write speed %.1f MB/s, read speed %.1f MB/s%n",
blockSize / 1024.0, 1024 * 1e9 / (mid - start), 1024 * 1e9 / (end - mid));
With 0.5 KB block size write speed 96.6 MB/s, read speed 169.7 MB/s
With 1.0 KB block size write speed 154.2 MB/s, read speed 312.2 MB/s
With 2.0 KB block size write speed 201.5 MB/s, read speed 438.7 MB/s
With 4.0 KB block size write speed 288.0 MB/s, read speed 733.9 MB/s
With 8.0 KB block size write speed 318.4 MB/s, read speed 711.8 MB/s
With 16.0 KB block size write speed 540.6 MB/s, read speed 1263.7 MB/s
With 32.0 KB block size write speed 726.0 MB/s, read speed 1370.9 MB/s
With 64.0 KB block size write speed 801.8 MB/s, read speed 1536.5 MB/s
With 128.0 KB block size write speed 857.5 MB/s, read speed 1539.6 MB/s
With 256.0 KB block size write speed 794.0 MB/s, read speed 1781.0 MB/s
With 512.0 KB block size write speed 676.2 MB/s, read speed 1221.4 MB/s
With 1024.0 KB block size write speed 886.3 MB/s, read speed 1501.5 MB/s
With 2048.0 KB block size write speed 784.7 MB/s, read speed 1544.9 MB/s
该测试没有显示的是硬盘仅支持 60 MB/s 读取和 40 MB/s 写入。您正在测试的只是进出缓存的速度。如果这是您唯一的优先事项,您将使用内存映射文件。
int blockSize = 32 * 1024;
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(blockSize);
FileChannel out = new FileOutputStream("deleteme.dat").getChannel();
for (int i = 0; i < (1024 << 20); i += blockSize) {
while (bb.remaining() > 0)
if (out.write(bb) < 1) throw new AssertionError();
long start = System.nanoTime();
FileChannel in = new FileInputStream("deleteme.dat").getChannel();
MappedByteBuffer map = in.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, in.size());
long end = System.nanoTime();
System.out.printf("Mapped file at a rate of %.1f MB/s%n",
1024 * 1e9 / (end - start));
Mapped file at a rate of 589885.5 MB/s
这非常快,因为它只是将 OS 磁盘缓存中的数据直接映射到应用程序的内存中(因此不需要复制)
我在 C 中看到了这段代码:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
struct stat fi;
stat("/", &fi);
printf("%d\n", fi.st_blksize);
return 0;
它返回最佳块大小。你需要用它来做到这一点。我使用 16*block 大小的流源到目标来获得最佳性能。因为这个测试将揭示最好的情况,电脑处于空闲状态,有一些硬件/操作系统。但不是真实案例。