I have two Layouts (screens) within ViewFlipper. Assume first layout width is longer than the second layout width. (Let's say, first layout width is 1000dp and second one has width of 500dp).

I can switch between these two screens easily. At the beginning first screen is fully displayed. When I click a button, second screen will come from right and first screen goes to the left. But I want to keep the second screen and (remember, second screen has less width) a portion of the first screen. That means a half of the first screen disappear. How can I do this?


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您可以使用这个由 matthieu 制作的自定义可拖动空间。我在这里发布链接。将它放在一个新项目中,否则它将创建对您现有活动的引用。此布局将允许您拖动视图组。

开发 Android 主屏幕

于 2012-08-30T11:08:34.760 回答