我在http://code.google.com/p/dapper-dot-net/source/list看到了 dapper.net 的 1.9 和 1.10 版本
我在http://code.google.com/p/dapper-dot-net/source/list看到了 dapper.net 的 1.9 和 1.10 版本
没关系。我刚刚在 nuspec 文件中找到了以下内容:
* 1.13 - Added support for Table Valued Parameters as part of anonymous objects
* - Added support for async
* - Added support for sharing strategies between databases
* - Rewrote dynamic implementation
* 1.12.1 - Minor deploy glitch (should now include intellisense files!)
* 1.12 - Better automatic type-mapping (int vs long, float vs double, etc)
* Fixed: bug with indexer properties
* 1.11 - Custom type-map support
* 1.10 - Fixed: error-handling could lose original exception if reader closed
* 1.9 - Added: better schema change detection
* Fixed: enum support for T in Query-of-T
* Added: dictionary support for parameters
* 1.8 - Started release notes
* Important: Dapper is now shipping as a DLL which will work on .net 3.5 or .net 4.0,
* This improves the debugging experience as you no longer break into dapper when SQL fails.
* Added: ParameterNames on DynamicParameters