创建一个总和为 X(例如 X=1000)的随机向量非常简单:

import random
def RunFloat():
    Scalar = 1000
    VectorSize = 30
    RandomVector = [random.random() for i in range(VectorSize)]
    RandomVectorSum = sum(RandomVector)
    RandomVector = [Scalar*i/RandomVectorSum for i in RandomVector]
    return RandomVector

上面的代码创建了一个向量,其值为浮点数,总和为 1000。

我很难创建一个简单的函数来创建一个向量,其值为整数且总和为 X(例如 X=1000*30)

import random
def RunInt():
    LowerBound = 600
    UpperBound = 1200
    VectorSize = 30
    RandomVector = [random.randint(LowerBound,UpperBound) for i in range(VectorSize)]
    RandomVectorSum = 1000*30
    #Sanity check that our RandomVectorSum is sensible/feasible
    if LowerBound*VectorSize <= RandomVectorSum and RandomVectorSum <= UpperBound*VectorSum:
        if sum(RandomVector) == RandomVectorSum:
            return RandomVector


编辑(2012 年 7 月 9 日)

感谢 Oliver、mgilson 和 Dougal 的投入。我的解决方案如下所示。

  1. Oliver 对多项分布的想法很有创意
  2. 简而言之,(1)很可能比其他解决方案更能输出某些解决方案。Dougal 通过大数定律的简单测试/反例证明了多项解空间分布不均匀或不正态。Dougal 还建议使用 numpy 的多项式函数,它为我省去了很多麻烦、痛苦和头痛。
  3. 为了克服 (2) 的输出问题,我使用 RunFloat() 来给出更均匀的分布(我没有对此进行测试,所以它只是一个表面的外观)。与(1)相比,这有多大不同?我真的不知道副手。不过对我来说已经够用了。
  4. 再次感谢 mgilson 提供不使用 numpy 的替代方法。


编辑#2(2012 年 7 月 11 日)


import random
def RandFloats(Size):
    Scalar = 1.0
    VectorSize = Size
    RandomVector = [random.random() for i in range(VectorSize)]
    RandomVectorSum = sum(RandomVector)
    RandomVector = [Scalar*i/RandomVectorSum for i in RandomVector]
    return RandomVector

from numpy.random import multinomial
import math
def RandIntVec(ListSize, ListSumValue, Distribution='Normal'):
    ListSize = the size of the list to return
    ListSumValue = The sum of list values
    Distribution = can be 'uniform' for uniform distribution, 'normal' for a normal distribution ~ N(0,1) with +/- 5 sigma  (default), or a list of size 'ListSize' or 'ListSize - 1' for an empirical (arbitrary) distribution. Probabilities of each of the p different outcomes. These should sum to 1 (however, the last element is always assumed to account for the remaining probability, as long as sum(pvals[:-1]) <= 1).  
    A list of random integers of length 'ListSize' whose sum is 'ListSumValue'.
    if type(Distribution) == list:
        DistributionSize = len(Distribution)
        if ListSize == DistributionSize or (ListSize-1) == DistributionSize:
            Values = multinomial(ListSumValue,Distribution,size=1)
            OutputValue = Values[0]
    elif Distribution.lower() == 'uniform': #I do not recommend this!!!! I see that it is not as random (at least on my computer) as I had hoped
        UniformDistro = [1/ListSize for i in range(ListSize)]
        Values = multinomial(ListSumValue,UniformDistro,size=1)
        OutputValue = Values[0]
    elif Distribution.lower() == 'normal':
        Normal Distribution Construction....It's very flexible and hideous
        Assume a +-3 sigma range.  Warning, this may or may not be a suitable range for your implementation!
        If one wishes to explore a different range, then changes the LowSigma and HighSigma values
        LowSigma    = -3#-3 sigma
        HighSigma   = 3#+3 sigma
        StepSize    = 1/(float(ListSize) - 1)
        ZValues     = [(LowSigma * (1-i*StepSize) +(i*StepSize)*HighSigma) for i in range(int(ListSize))]
        #Construction parameters for N(Mean,Variance) - Default is N(0,1)
        Mean        = 0
        Var         = 1
        #NormalDistro= [self.NormalDistributionFunction(Mean, Var, x) for x in ZValues]
        NormalDistro= list()
        for i in range(len(ZValues)):
            if i==0:
                ERFCVAL = 0.5 * math.erfc(-ZValues[i]/math.sqrt(2))
            elif i ==  len(ZValues) - 1:
                ERFCVAL = NormalDistro[0]
                ERFCVAL1 = 0.5 * math.erfc(-ZValues[i]/math.sqrt(2))
                ERFCVAL2 = 0.5 * math.erfc(-ZValues[i-1]/math.sqrt(2))
                ERFCVAL = ERFCVAL1 - ERFCVAL2
            #print "Normal Distribution sum = %f"%sum(NormalDistro)
            Values = multinomial(ListSumValue,NormalDistro,size=1)
            OutputValue = Values[0]
            raise ValueError ('Cannot create desired vector')
        return OutputValue
        raise ValueError ('Cannot create desired vector')
    return OutputValue
#Some Examples        
ListSize = 4
ListSumValue = 12
for i in range(100):
    print RandIntVec(ListSize, ListSumValue,Distribution=RandFloats(ListSize))



7 回答 7





为了帮助您将问题与多项式符号合并,总和为 n(整数),因此每个 k 值(每个索引一个,也是整数)必须介于 0 和 n 之间。然后按照这里的食谱。

(或者使用numpy.random.multinomial作为@Dougal 有用的建议)。

于 2012-07-08T04:00:34.113 回答

我刚刚将@Oliver的多项式方法@mgilson 的代码分别运行了一百万次,长度为3 的向量总和为10,并查看了每个可能结果出现的次数。两者都非常不均匀:



在多项式方法中,当然比(事实证明的可能性高 4200 倍)3 3 4要大得多。0 0 10mgilson 的偏见对我来说不太明显,但0 0 10它的排列是迄今为止最不可能的(每百万次只有约 750 次);最常见的是1 4 5及其排列;不知道为什么,但它们肯定是最常见的,其次是1 3 6. 它通常会从这个配置中过高的总和开始(预期 15),但我不确定为什么会这样减少......

在可能的向量上获得统一输出的一种方法是拒绝方案。K要使用 sum获得长度向量N,您需要:

  1. 在 和 之间均匀且K独立地对具有整数元素的长度向量进行采样。0N
  2. 重复直到向量的和为N


另一种方法是为所有可能的向量分配一个编号;有(N + K - 1) choose (K - 1)这样的向量,所以只需在该范围内选择一个随机整数来决定你想要哪个。对它们进行编号的一种合理方法是字典顺序:(0, 0, 10), (0, 1, 9), (0, 2, 8), (0, 3, 7), ....

请注意,K向量的最后一个 (th) 元素由第一个元素的和唯一确定K-1

我敢肯定有一个很好的方法可以立即跳转到此列表中的任何索引,但我现在想不出来......列举可能的结果并遍历它们会起作用,但可能会比必要的慢. 这是一些代码(尽管我们实际上在这里使用了反向词典排序......)。

from itertools import islice, combinations_with_replacement
from functools import reduce
from math import factorial
from operator import mul
import random

def _enum_cands(total, length):
    # get all possible ways of choosing 10 of our indices
    # for example, the first one might be  0000000000
    # meaning we picked index 0 ten times, for [10, 0, 0]
    for t in combinations_with_replacement(range(length), 10):
        cand = [0] * length
        for i in t:
            cand[i] += 1
        yield tuple(cand)

def int_vec_with_sum(total, length):
    num_outcomes = reduce(mul, range(total + 1, total + length)) // factorial(length - 1)
    # that's integer division, even though SO thinks it's a comment :)
    idx = random.choice(range(num_outcomes))
    return next(islice(_enum_cands(total, length), idx, None))


这比其他任何一个答案都慢:对于 sum 10 length 3,我得到

  • 14.7 我们使用np.random.multinomial,
  • 33.9 我们使用 mgilson 的,
  • 88.1 我们采用这种方法



于 2012-07-08T06:27:07.493 回答


import random
import math

def randvec(vecsum, N, maxval, minval):
    if N*minval > vecsum or N*maxval < vecsum:
        raise ValueError ('Cannot create desired vector')

    indices = list(range(N))
    vec = [random.randint(minval,maxval) for i in indices]
    diff = sum(vec) - vecsum # we were off by this amount.

    #Iterate through, incrementing/decrementing a random index 
    #by 1 for each value we were off.
    while diff != 0:  
        addthis = 1 if diff > 0 else -1 # +/- 1 depending on if we were above or below target.
        diff -= addthis

        ### IMPLEMENTATION 1 ###
        idx = random.choice(indices) # Pick a random index to modify, check if it's OK to modify
        while not (minval < (vec[idx] - addthis) < maxval):  #operator chaining.  If you don't know it, look it up.  It's pretty cool.
            idx = random.choice(indices) #Not OK to modify.  Pick another.

        vec[idx] -= addthis #Update that index.

        ### IMPLEMENTATION 2 ###
        # random.shuffle(indices)
        # for idx in indices:
        #    if minval < (vec[idx] - addthis) < maxval:
        #        vec[idx]-=addthis
        #        break
        # in situations where (based on choices of N, minval, maxval and vecsum)
        # many of the values in vec MUST BE minval or maxval, Implementation 2
        # may be superior.

    return vec

a = randvec(1000,20,100,1)
print sum(a)
于 2012-07-08T03:56:50.110 回答

从 N 个元素的分区集中均匀采样到 K 个 bin 中的最有效方法是使用动态规划算法,即 O(KN)。有多种选择 (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Multichoose.html) 的可能性,因此枚举每一个会​​非常慢。拒绝抽样和其他蒙特卡罗方法也可能非常缓慢。


令 T(n,k) 为将 n 个元素划分为 k 个 bin 的数量,然后我们可以计算递归

T(n,1)=1 \forall n>=0
T(n,k)=\sum_{m<=n} T(n-m,k-1)

要对总和为 N 的 K 个元素进行采样,请从 K 多项式分布中采样,在递归中“向后”进行: 编辑:在抽取每个样本之前,应将下面多项式中的 T 归一化为总和为 1。

n1 = multinomial([T(N,K-1),T(N-1,K-1),...,T(0,K-1)])
n2 = multinomial([T(N-n1,K-1),T(N-n1-1,K-1),...,T(0,K-1)])
nK = multinomial([T(N-sum([n1,...,n{k-1}]),1),T(N-sum([n1,...,n{k-1}])-1,1),...,T(0,1)])

注意:我允许对 0 进行采样。


于 2012-07-08T15:27:22.590 回答

只是为了给你另一种方法,实现 apartition_function(X)并随机选择一个介于 0 和长度之间的数字,partition_function(1000)然后你就有了。现在您只需要找到一种有效的方法来计算配分函数。这些链接可能会有所帮助:



编辑: 这是一个简单的代码:

import itertools
import random
all_partitions = {0:set([(0,)]),1:set([(1,)])}

def partition_merge(a,b):
    c = set()
    for t in itertools.product(a,b):
    return c

def my_partition(n):
    if all_partitions.has_key(n):
        return all_partitions[n]
    a = set([(n,)])
    for i in xrange(1,n/2+1):
        a = partition_merge(my_partition(i),my_partition(n-i)).union(a)
    all_partitions[n] = a
    return a

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 30
    # if you have a few years to wait uncomment the next line
    # n = 1000
    a = my_partition(n)
    i = random.randint(0,len(a)-1)
于 2012-07-08T11:50:18.870 回答


from random import randint

def RunInt(VectorSize, Sum):
   x = [randint(0, Sum) for _ in range(1, VectorSize)]
   x.extend([0, Sum])
   return [x[i+1] - x[i] for i in range(VectorSize)]
于 2012-07-08T09:34:29.890 回答


import numpy as np
def RunInt(VectorSize, Sum):
    a = np.array([np.random.rand(VectorSize)])
    b = np.floor(a/np.sum(a)*Sum) 
    for i in range(int(Sum-np.sum(b))):
        b[0][np.random.randint(len(b[0]))] += 1
    return b[0]
于 2015-06-02T13:56:27.977 回答