
string mobs [5] = {"Skeleton", "Dragon", "Imp", "Demon", "Vampire"};
int mobHP[5] = {10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15};

我创建了一个随机数生成器来获取我想要的暴民数,但我失败了。假设生成的数字是 4,我将如何将其等同于或等于字符串 mob number 5 和 mob hp number 5?


2 回答 2


如果您有一个返回 0 到 4 之间的随机数(数组索引)的函数,那么代码将类似于:

// Since we are using raw arrays we need to store the length
int array_length = 5 

// Some function that returns a random number between 
int randomIndex = myRandomNumberFunction(array_length) 

// Now we select from the array using the index we calculated before
std::string selectedMobName = mobs[randomIndex]
int selectMobHP = mobHP[randomIndex]

然而,使用现代 C++ 实践实现这一目标的更好方法是创建一个怪物类并在向量中使用它,如下所示:

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

// Normally we would use a class with accessors here but for the sake
// of brevity and simplicity we'll use a struct
struct Monster {
    Monster(const std::string& in_name, const int in_health) :
        name(in_name), health(in_health) 

    std::string name;
    int health;

// A vector is like an array that can grow larger if you add stuff to it
// Note: Normally we wouldn't use a raw pointer here but I've used it for
// for the sake of brevity. Instead we would either use a smart pointer
// or we would implement the Monster class with a copy or move constructor.
std::vector<Monster*> monsters;
monsters.push_back(new Monster("Dragon", 5));
monsters.push_back(new Monster("Eelie", 3));
... // Arbitrary number of monsters
monsters.push_back(new Monster("Slime", 1));

// Select a random monster from the array
int random_index = myRandomNumberFunction(monsters.size());
Monster* selected_monster = monsters[random_index];

// Print the monster stats
std::cout << "You encounter " << selected_monster->name << " with "
    << selected_monster->health << "hp" << std::endl;

// Clean up the vector since we're using pointers
// If we were using smart pointers this would be unnecessary.
for(std::vector<Monster*>::iterator monster = monsters.begin();
    monster != monsters.end();
    ++monster) {
    delete (*monster);
于 2012-07-07T03:23:29.853 回答



如果你有 value ix=4,它指的是第五个怪物。您可以在 上访问名称mobs[ix]和在 上的健康状况mobHP[ix]

于 2012-07-07T16:49:24.733 回答