编译 TeeChart for Android(Beta 版)的演示项目时出现错误:

Error   1
The type 'Android.Widget.FrameLayout' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c4c4237547e4b6cd'.
F:\Digital\Digital Mobile Development group\Projects\POC for CT\Supported Component\TeeChartMonodroidBeta201200515\TeeChartMonodroidBeta201200515\Examples\MonoAndroidDemo\ChartEditor.cs   21  20  MonoAndroidDemo



我已经验证并且对 Mono.Android 的引用是正确的。

Also, to mention that it is not working on my home machine. but on different machine it doesn't show any error while compiling & app get deployed to Android emulator successfully but when i run the app & select any chart option it shows blank screen & come again to list of chart types. Is this component applicable to specific Android version only?


1 回答 1


您能否检查一下您的 MonoAndroidDemo 项目是否有 Mono.Android.dll 引用,如果它损坏或丢失,请重新添加它?

于 2012-07-09T08:25:28.017 回答