
我要做的是从数组中检索多个 URL,然后为每个条目启动一个异步图像请求。这些请求将返回一个 UIView 对象,然后我将它们添加到另一个数组以供稍后在应用程序中使用。

它不起作用,我猜我的问题与循环初始化 AsyncImageView、分配给新数组以及进一步初始化的方式有关。

for (iccAssociatedMediaObject *media in self.mediaArray) {
    if ( [media.usage isEqualToString:@"360"]) {

        // >> Here we have the array entry we need this is a URL string
        NSLog(@"URL : %@", media.href);

        // >> Next I start an Async load of the images, a UIView is returned/created...
        HJManagedImageV *asyncImageView = [[HJManagedImageV alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 620, 620)];
        [asyncImageView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor grayColor]];
        [asyncImageView showLoadingWheel];
        [asyncImageView setContentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill];
        [asyncImageView.imageView setContentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill];
        asyncImageView.url = [NSURL URLWithString:media.href];
        // asyncImageView.callbackOnSetImage = (id)self;

        // >> Next I add the UIView (asyncImageView) to an array for use later in the app
        [objMan manage:asyncImageView];

        // >> I think my problem relates to the HJManagedImageV initialization & reuse?????

1 回答 1


为什么不在 For-In 循环之外分配它,然后每次通过循环时重新使用和重置它?

于 2012-07-07T10:51:19.773 回答