我将 C# MVC 与 Razor 一起使用。
假设我有一个显示列表、下拉列表和 2 个文本框的视图。是否应该将所有这些信息保存在 1 类中,然后将其传递给我的视图?
我将 C# MVC 与 Razor 一起使用。
假设我有一个显示列表、下拉列表和 2 个文本框的视图。是否应该将所有这些信息保存在 1 类中,然后将其传递给我的视图?
使用 ViewModel 将数据从控制器传递到视图的重要性怎么强调也不为过。如您的问题所述,您已经这样做了,这是一个很好的开始!
public class IndexViewModel // or DetailsViewModel or whatever the Action Method is
public IEnumerable<Foo> Foos { get; set; }
public SelectList DropDownBox { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } // Textbox 1
public string Description { get; set; } // Textbox 2
您可以循环进行渲染。(专业提示:使用 DisplayTemplates 呈现您的自定义类型/自定义类型的集合)。
. 此视图模型可以包含其他类(通过属性公开)。但是,是的 -每个视图都需要一个 ViewModel。
从我所做的项目来看,我建议将所有信息保存在一个类中,但这一切都取决于您正在使用的 Idan Arye 所说的数据。根据您的要求,我建议您查看 msdn,这是 C# 的绝佳资源。希望这有帮助
例如,如果像 Employee 和 3 一样简单,如下所示,则将其保留在 1 类中。但是,如果它比这个大 3 -4 倍并且有更复杂的数据字段,那么请尝试将它们保存在单独的类中
public class EmployeeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var employeeModel = new Employee
FirstName = "Hat",
LastName = "Soft",
Departments = new BindingList<SelectListItem>
new SelectListItem {Text = "Accounts", Value = "1"},
new SelectListItem {Text = "Human Resource", Value = "2"},
new SelectListItem {Text = "Operations", Value = "3"}
return View(employeeModel);
恕我直言,视图模型通常非常适合使用 MVC 和 Razor。
Ultimately it is up to you and the decision really depends on your model among other factors. For instance If the bits required for your view are ultimately sourced from different entities in your model then one might argue the answer is yes and you should consider using view models because a single view model can be tailored to suit your view.
Basically view models can help keep your views clean. The main implication to usually consider is the inevitable mapping logic that is required for mapping domain entities to view models and the other way around (e.g. During a GET or POST). AutoMapper is an example of a library you could use to cut down on the mapping code. In my experience it can work well as long as your mapping logic isn't terribly complicated.
In my opinion, depends what the page is for, if you are to show the properties of a domain object in which case you should consider have a special object for the view (e.g. View Model) your class would the domain's object class (e.g. User) and at some point your View Model's (e.g. UserViewModel).
You can also of course, make use of Value Objects / DTO for carrying compound objects, thus, you'll have to create the correspondent classes that are not domain specific but still needed to transport data across your system, from the DAL to your views.
At the end you'll always need a View Model Class, which would correspond to domain object or a custom DTO / Value Object to present your data in the view.
Hope this helps a bit.