我已经实现了 Floyd-Warshall 以返回每对节点/顶点之间的最短路径的距离以及每对节点/顶点之间的一条最短路径。



3 回答 3



procedure FloydWarshall ()
    for k := 1 to n
        for i := 1 to n
            for j := 1 to n
                if path[i][j] == path[i][k]+path[k][j] and k != j and k != i
                    count[i][j] += 1;
                else if path[i][j] > path[i][k] + path[k][j]
                    path[i][j] = path[i][k] + path[k][j]
                    count[i][j] = 1


procedure FloydWarshallWithPathReconstruction ()
    for k := 1 to n
        for i := 1 to n
            for j := 1 to n
                if path[i][k] + path[k][j] < path[i][j]
                    path[i][j] := path[i][k]+path[k][j];
                    next[i][j].push_back(k) // assuming its a c++ vector
                else if path[i][k] + path[k][j] == path[i][j] and path[i][j] != MAX_VALUE and k != j and k != i


应该修改路径重建以处理vector. 在这种情况下,计数将是 eachvector的大小。这是来自同一个wiki的伪代码 (python) 的修改。

procedure GetPath(i, j):
    allPaths = empty 2d array
    if next[i][j] is not empty:
        for every k in next[i][j]:
            if k == -1: // add the path = [i, j]
                allPaths.add( array[ i, j] ) 
            else: // add the path = [i .. k .. j]
                paths_I_K = GetPath(i,k) // get all paths from i to k
                paths_K_J = GetPath(k,j) // get all paths from k to j
                for every path between i and k, i_k in paths_I_K:
                    for every path between k and j, k_j in paths_K_J:
                        i_k = i_k.popk() // remove the last element since that repeats in k_j
                        allPaths.add( array( i_k + j_k) )

    return allPaths

注:path[i][j]是邻接表。在初始化的同时path[i][j],还可以通过向数组中next[i][j]添加 a来进行初始化。-1例如,初始化next[i][j]将是

for every edge (i,j) in graph:



于 2012-07-07T01:35:29.020 回答


procedure FloydWarshallWithCount ()
for k := 1 to n
    for i := 1 to n
        for j := 1 to n
            if path[i][j] == path[i][k]+path[k][j]
                count[i][j] += count[i][k] * count[k][j]
            else if path[i][j] > path[i][k] + path[k][j]
                path[i][j] = path[i][k] + path[k][j]
                count[i][j] = count[i][k] * count[k][j]

这样做的原因是对于任何三个顶点 i、j 和 k,可能存在从 i 到 k 到 j 的多条最短路径。例如在图中:

       3             1
(i) -------> (k) ---------> (j)
 |            ^
 |            |
 | 1          | 1
 |     1      |
(a) -------> (b)

从 i 到 j 通过 k 有两条路径。count[i][k] * count[k][j]求从 i 到 k 的路径数,以及从 k 到 j 的路径数,并将它们相乘以求出路径 i -> k -> j 的数量。

于 2014-12-08T05:39:54.160 回答


  1. GetPath函数中,命令

i_k = i_k.popk() // 删除最后一个元素,因为它在 k_j 中重复


  1. 在 GetPath 结束时,应删除重复的路径。

对应的 Python 代码如下,并检查了其正确性:

def get_all_shortest_paths_from_router(i, j, router_list, it=0):                                                                                                    
    all_paths = []
    if len(router_list[i][j]) != 0:
        for k in router_list[i][j]:
            if k == -1: # add the path = [i, j]
                all_paths.append([i, j])
            else: # add the path = [i .. k .. j]
                paths_I_K = get_all_shortest_paths_from_router(i,k,router_list,it+1) # get all paths from i to k
                paths_K_J = get_all_shortest_paths_from_router(k,j,router_list,it+1) # get all paths from k to j
                for p_ik in paths_I_K:
                    if len(p_ik) != 0:
                        p_ik.pop() # remove the last element since that repeats in k_j
                    for p_kj in paths_K_J:
                        all_paths.append(p_ik + p_kj)

    if it==0:
        all_paths = [all_paths[i] for i in range(len(all_paths)) if i == 0 or all_paths[i] != all_paths[i-1]]
    return all_paths
于 2021-12-02T06:55:35.643 回答