我正在使用 AndEngine 和 PhysicsBox2DExtension 来制作游戏。我的游戏不断崩溃,我在未过滤的 LogCat 中得到了这个:
07-06 13:25:27.266: I/DEBUG(19582): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
07-06 13:25:27.266: I/DEBUG(19582): Build fingerprint: 'TMOUS/SGH-T959V/SGH-T959V/SGH-T959V:2.2.1/FROYO/VUVKD1:user/release-keys'
07-06 13:25:27.274: I/DEBUG(19582): pid: 22238, tid: 22263 >>> com.prattia.webs.testgfx5 <<<
07-06 13:25:27.274: I/DEBUG(19582): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr deadbaad
07-06 13:25:27.286: I/DEBUG(19582): r0 00000000 r1 afd14921 r2 00000027 r3 00000070
07-06 13:25:27.286: I/DEBUG(19582): r4 afd42328 r5 00000000 r6 00000000 r7 43095ba0
07-06 13:25:27.297: I/DEBUG(19582): r8 447d75ac r9 43095b5c 10 80aa23f4 fp 43095b58
07-06 13:25:27.297: I/DEBUG(19582): ip 00001730 sp 447d74c8 lr deadbaad pc afd11f74 cpsr 60000030
07-06 13:25:27.301: I/DEBUG(19582): d0 6472656767756265 d1 646f426574616572
07-06 13:25:27.301: I/DEBUG(19582): d2 2074736e6f632879 d3 654479646f423262
07-06 13:25:27.305: I/DEBUG(19582): d4 73656e69676e655f d5 69676e45646e412f
07-06 13:25:27.309: I/DEBUG(19582): d6 6e45646e412f656e d7 73796850656e6967
07-06 13:25:27.309: I/DEBUG(19582): d8 40c9de1ed6a7d420 d9 43e0000000000000
07-06 13:25:27.313: I/DEBUG(19582): d10 41dfffffffc00000 d11 c3e0000000000000
07-06 13:25:27.313: I/DEBUG(19582): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
07-06 13:25:27.313: I/DEBUG(19582): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
07-06 13:25:27.317: I/DEBUG(19582): d16 000000c247d403f0 d17 400921fb54442d18
07-06 13:25:27.317: I/DEBUG(19582): d18 3f810f1cab7c1816 d19 3f651bd7d319330c
07-06 13:25:27.317: I/DEBUG(19582): d20 bfc55034095fd11a d21 be5ae514498b308e
07-06 13:25:27.321: I/DEBUG(19582): d22 0000000000000000 d23 3de5d93a5acfd57c
07-06 13:25:27.325: I/DEBUG(19582): d24 bfb3b25552016f7e d25 3fb10e9526779bed
07-06 13:25:27.325: I/DEBUG(19582): d26 bfaddfe9639fbb1a d27 3fa97c111b7b144e
07-06 13:25:27.325: I/DEBUG(19582): d28 bfa2b4442c6a6c2f d29 0000000000000000
07-06 13:25:27.325: I/DEBUG(19582): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
07-06 13:25:27.325: I/DEBUG(19582): scr 60000012
07-06 13:25:27.469: I/DEBUG(19582): #00 pc 00011f74 /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.473: I/DEBUG(19582): #01 pc 0001921e /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.473: I/DEBUG(19582): #02 pc 00026558 /data/data/com.prattia.webs.testgfx5/lib/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
07-06 13:25:27.473: I/DEBUG(19582): #03 pc 00013e7c /data/data/com.prattia.webs.testgfx5/lib/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
07-06 13:25:27.473: I/DEBUG(19582): #04 pc 00016e34 /system/lib/libdvm.so
07-06 13:25:27.473: I/DEBUG(19582): code around pc:
07-06 13:25:27.473: I/DEBUG(19582): afd11f54 2d00682d e029d1fb b12b68db c05cf8df
07-06 13:25:27.473: I/DEBUG(19582): afd11f64 f8442001 4798000c e054f8df 26002227
07-06 13:25:27.473: I/DEBUG(19582): afd11f74 2000f88e eec2f7fb f7fc2106 f04feff8
07-06 13:25:27.473: I/DEBUG(19582): afd11f84 91035180 460aa901 96012006 f7fc9602
07-06 13:25:27.473: I/DEBUG(19582): afd11f94 a905eb7e 20024632 eb88f7fc eeaef7fb
07-06 13:25:27.473: I/DEBUG(19582): code around lr:
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): deadba8c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): deadba9c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): deadbaac ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): deadbabc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): deadbacc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): stack:
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d7488 00000000
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d748c 00000000
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d7490 afd425a0 /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d7494 afd4254c /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d7498 00000000
07-06 13:25:27.477: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d749c afd1596b /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74a0 afd14921 /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74a4 afd14921 /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74a8 00000070
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74ac afd42328 /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74b0 00000000
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74b4 447d74dc
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74b8 43095ba0
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74bc afd14bc3 /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74c0 df002777
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74c4 e3a070ad
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): #00 447d74c8 00000003
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74cc 43095b58
07-06 13:25:27.481: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74d0 43095ba0
07-06 13:25:27.485: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74d4 afd14f29 /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.485: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74d8 afd4254c /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.485: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74dc fffffbdf
07-06 13:25:27.485: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74e0 00000054
07-06 13:25:27.485: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74e4 00000003
07-06 13:25:27.485: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74e8 43095b58
07-06 13:25:27.489: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74ec afd19223 /system/lib/libc.so
07-06 13:25:27.489: I/DEBUG(19582): #01 447d74f0 00000054
07-06 13:25:27.489: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74f4 821412bc /data/data/com.prattia.webs.testgfx5/lib/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
07-06 13:25:27.489: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74f8 447d75d0
07-06 13:25:27.489: I/DEBUG(19582): 447d74fc 8212655c /data/data/com.prattia.webs.testgfx5/lib/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
07-06 13:25:28.040: I/DEBUG(19582): dumpstate /data/log/dumpstate_app_native.txt
07-06 13:25:28.114: I/dumpstate(22478): begin
07-06 13:25:28.122: I/dalvikvm(2480): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
07-06 13:25:28.157: I/dalvikvm(2480): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
07-06 13:25:28.192: I/BootReceiver(2480): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_09 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
07-06 13:25:28.239: I/dalvikvm(2604): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
07-06 13:25:28.239: I/dalvikvm(2604): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
private void destroyFiller(){ //Deletes filler
Log.e("destroyFiller","Destroying filler");
fillersLeftText.setText("Balls left: "+Integer.toString(fillerCount));
private void levelComplete(){
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Toast.makeText(TestGFX5Activity.this, "Level Complete", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Log.e("Level Complete","Going to reset values");
//Reset values
fillerCount = (originalNumberOfFillers + level - 1);
fillAreaPercent = 0;
//Rid scene of sprites
for(int x=0;x<=fillerNum;x++){
levelText.setText("Level: "+Integer.toString(level));
fillersLeftText.setText("Balls left: "+Integer.toString(fillerCount));
fillerNum = -1;
Log.e("Level Complete","values reset");
randx = random.nextInt(650) + 25;
randy = random.nextInt(400) + 25;
randix = random.nextInt(10);
randiy = random.nextInt(10);
ix = 5;
ix = -5;
iy = 5;
iy = -5;
Log.e("Level Complete","Creating destroyer");
destroyer[destroyerNum] = new Ball(randx, randy, destroyerTR, getVertexBufferObjectManager(), ix, iy); //crashes here
Log.e("Level Complete","complete"); //This line never reached.