我在 BeagleBone 上运行 Ubuntu 11.10,并将 Edimax EW-7711UAn wifi 适配器插入 USB 端口。我已经配置了 /etc/network/interfaces 并且 wifi 工作正常,但是:

  1. wlan0 接口在启动设备时并不总是出现。它成功地出现了大约三分之一的尝试。

  2. 界面有时会再次出现故障,尤其是在一段时间不使用时。

/etc/network/interfaces 文件包括:

auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wpa-driver wext
    wpa-ssid "Bodoni"
    wpa-psk "<mypassword>"

为了尝试解决第 1 点),我将以下内容放入 /etc/rc.local:

nohup sh -c "ifdown wlan0 && ifup wlan0"

但这似乎并没有太大帮助。我猜第二个问题可能与电源管理有关,所以我可能会尝试在 /etc/rc.local 中将其关闭。

但是有人对我如何让 wifi 在启动时可靠地启动有任何想法吗?我正在运行没有以太网的无头 BeagleBone(它在机器人上),所以修复这个问题很重要!

仅供参考,我使用的是默认驱动程序 - lsmod 给出:

Module                  Size  Used by
aes_generic            27837  2 
arc4                    1111  2 
rt2800usb              12386  0 
rt2800lib              45146  1 rt2800usb
crc_ccitt               1457  1 rt2800lib
rt2x00usb              10595  1 rt2800usb
rt2x00lib              39077  3 rt2800usb,rt2800lib,rt2x00usb
mac80211              228509  3 rt2800lib,rt2x00usb,rt2x00lib
cfg80211              167722  2 rt2x00lib,mac80211
rfkill                 16703  1 cfg80211
binfmt_misc             6224  1 
spidev                  4620  0 



5 回答 5


I've had a similar problem with my BeagleBones using another wifi adapter using the rt2800usb driver. Specifically I am using a DLINK DWA-125 (HW Rev A2) which is based on the rt3070 chip.

Same exact symptoms that you are reporting if I plug the DWA-125 directly into the USB port on the BeagleBone.

BUT if I plug the adapter into a USB extension cable and then plug the extension cable into the BeagleBone USB port, everything works fine. I have done 100s of hours of Cloud9 development using this setup and no problems with Wifi whatsoever.

I am running the Angstrom distro - and I find the same issue on all three of last BB releases (4/22. 5/? and 6/18).

Length of USB extension cable doesn't seem to matter (at least between 1ft and 12ft - haven't tried anything below 1ft.)

I have 6 BeagleBones (4 ver A5 and 2 ver A6) - behavior is the same on all of these Beaglebones.

Also have 4 DWA-125 Rev A2 USB adapters - behavior is the same on all of these.

I have not experimented with other USB Wifi Adapters using the same or other chips/drivers. And I haven't spent the time to track down the root cause of this behavior - I have code to write!

But, give it a try in case your experience matches mine - its a quick and easy 'fix'.

---- Addendum:

I just tried an experiment with the Belkin N150 Micro USB Wifi Adapter - based on the rtl8192cu chip and the standard drivers that come with the 6/18 BeagleBone Angstrom distribution.

Got very similar behavior: The Wifi doesn't work at all when plugged directly into the USB port. But when plugged in via a 1ft USB extension cable, everything works fine.

于 2012-07-19T07:33:55.700 回答

我有同样的问题。到目前为止我发现的最好的解释是这个来自 Adafruit

主要想法是 Wifi 加密狗被位于 USB 插槽下方的 HDMI 适配器破坏。在这种情况下,您有两种解决方法:

  1. 通过电缆将 Wifi-dongle 尽可能远离 USB 插槽
  2. 如果您真的不需要,请禁用 HDMI 接口!



> mkdir /mnt/boot
> mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/boot
> nano /mnt/boot/uEnv.txt

Remove the # in front of the cape_disable command

##Disable HDMI


于 2014-11-23T18:09:44.567 回答

我通过移除 USB ESD 尖峰保护 IC(U10、TPD4S012)解决了这个问题。它应该连接在 USB 连接器和 CPU 之间,但它放置在我的板上的 USB 连接器之后(版本 A4)。我不知道这是否在以后的修订中得到解决。


于 2012-09-12T13:46:49.660 回答



在使用 wicd 进行设置后,我的 5 个 beaglebone 在我的家庭网络上的 wifi 加密狗上从后卧室到车库一直坚如磐石。/etc/network/interfaces 不是要走的路。我一定尝试了数百种配置,有些配置似乎可以持续一两天。我记得文档为接口提供了一个很好的默认值,非常准系统。如果需要,wicd 会运行您的请求者。

于 2016-01-07T00:03:05.570 回答

我花了很长时间才在 BeagleBone 上获得可靠的 WiFi。最后,答案是使用 Atheros 加密狗,因为我在使用 RealTek 和 RALink 芯片组时运气不佳。NetGear WNA1100 在 Angstrom 和 Ubuntu 中对我来说都非常可靠。在这里查看我的帖子。

于 2013-05-09T15:37:08.637 回答