I use the warehouse module, but when I want to update it, the system updates the purchasing module also.

can someone tell me why this happened even if that module does not depend on purchase module?

I don't think even if I'm not using purchase I should leave it installed? the real problem is I don't want that module in my application, but the system didn't let me remove it !

Thank you in advance


2 回答 2


Yes I agree with you that stock has no direct dependency on purchase but if you see closely you will find some bridge like, stock > product < purchase, Now point is when you update stock moudle it will update all child account and it's dependency also so stock is updating the product and here product is also in -u . when you see if some parent are being updated all child will also be marked to be updated, This process is chinning process. if you have depedeancy like A> B> C and D>B if you try to update the module D it will start series of chain like D, B, C, and base and many more child are affecte by this series of chain.

Hope you getting the point here.

于 2012-07-06T12:06:53.413 回答

purchase depends on stock. So, when you update stock, purchase has to be updated too.

于 2012-07-06T12:20:27.913 回答