我正在尝试使用 if 语句来比较两个数组值。我不是在比较索引。如果这些值相互匹配,那么我想从多维数组中打印出一个值。我尝试使用以下解决方案:

  1. 如何比较两个数组并从中删除匹配元素以进行下一个循环?

  2. 多维数组中的数组值

  3. 来自多维数组的 Array_values




$str ="";

// events array
$events = array( array("PokeMon", "Hall D" , "1:00 AM"),
                 array("Sonic the Hedgehog", "WorkShop 1" , "11:00 AM"),
                 array("Tasbura", "Video 3" , "2:00 PM"),
                 array("Sailor Moon ", "Panel 4" , "6:00 PM") 

// location array
"Arena","Hall D","Video 1","Video 2","Video 3","Video 4","Video 5","Video 6","HD Theater",
"Panel 1","Panel 2","Panel 3","Panel 4","WorkShop 1","WorkShop 2","WorkShop 3","WorkShop 4",
"Autograph 1","Autograph 2"

// event start time array
"","9:00 AM","10:00 AM","11:00 AM","1:00 PM","2:00 PM","3:00 PM","4:00 PM","5:00 PM","6:00 PM",
"7:00 PM","8:00 PM","9:00 PM","10:00 PM","11:00 PM","12:00 AM","1:00 AM","2:00 AM",

// length of  location and start time arrays 

$str .= "<table><tr><td bgcolor='green'><table border='1' bordercolor='black'><tr>";

for($i = 0; $i < $colLength; $i++){
   $str .= "<td width='100' height='25'  bgcolor='yellow'>";
   $str .= $col[$i];
   $str .= "</td>";


   for ($j = 0; $j < $rowLength; $j++){
    $str .= "<tr><td width='100' height='25' bgcolor='pink'>";
    $str .= $row[$j];
    $str .= "</td> ";

        for ($k = 0; $k < $colLength-1; $k++){

            $str .= "<td width='100' height='25'  bgcolor=' #70DBDB'>";

//////////////////////Here is where I need to compare the arrays:

            if( ($row[$j]==$events[$j][1]) && ($col[$k+1]==$events[$k+1][2])){

                $str .= $events [$j][0];


            $str .= " ";


            $str .= "</td>";


        $str .= " </tr>";


 echo $str ."</table></td></tr></table>";


这是我正在尝试创建的示例:http: //leobee.com/android/push/so/stdt2.php


// Report simple running errors
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);

// Reporting E_NOTICE can be good too (to report uninitialized
// variables or catch variable name misspellings ...)
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);

// Report all errors except E_NOTICE
// This is the default value set in php.ini
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

// Report all PHP errors (see changelog)

// Report all PHP errors

// Same as error_reporting(E_ALL);
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

$str ="";
'Arena',"Hall D","Video 1","Video 2","Video 3","Video 4","Video 5","Video 6","HD Theater",
"Panel 1","Panel 2","Panel 3","Panel 4","WorkShop 1","WorkShop 2","WorkShop 3","WorkShop 4",
"Autograph 1","Autograph 2"

"","9:00 AM","10:00 AM","11:00 AM","1:00 PM","2:00 PM","3:00 PM","4:00 PM","5:00 PM","6:00 PM",
"7:00 PM","8:00 PM","9:00 PM","10:00 PM","11:00 PM","12:00 AM","1:00 AM","2:00 AM",

//echo $rowLength." ".$colLength."<br>";

$str .= "<table><tr><td bgcolor='green'><table border='1' bordercolor='black'><tr>";

for($i = 0; $i < $colLength; $i++){
   $str .= "<td width='100' height='25'  bgcolor='yellow'>";
   $str .= $col[$i];
   $str .= "</td>";


   for ($j = 0; $j < $rowLength; $j++){
   $str .= "<tr><td width='100' height='25' bgcolor='pink'>";
   $str .= $row[$j];

   $str .= "</td> ";

    for ($k = 0; $k < $colLength-1; $k++){
   $str .= "<td width='100' height='25'  bgcolor=' #70DBDB'>";
        if( ($row[$j]=="Arena") && ($col[$k+1]=="9:00 AM")){

             $str .= "Poketmon";

            $str .= "";

   $str .= "</td>";


   $str .= " </tr>";


 echo $str ."</table></td></tr></table>";


1 回答 1




// events array
$events = array(
    array('PokeMon', 'Hall D' , '1:00 AM'),
    array('Sonic the Hedgehog', 'WorkShop 1' , '11:00 AM'),
    array('Tasbura', 'Video 3' , '2:00 PM'),
    array('Sailor Moon ', 'Panel 4' , '6:00 PM') 

$events_flat = array();

foreach($events as $event)
    $events_flat[$event[0]] = $event[1] . $event[2];

// location array
$locations = array(
    'Arena', 'Hall D', 'Video 1', 'Video 2', 'Video 3',
    'Video 4', 'Video 5', 'Video 6', 'HD Theater', 'Panel 1', 
    'Panel 2', 'Panel 3', 'Panel 4', 'WorkShop 1', 'WorkShop 2',
    'WorkShop 3', 'WorkShop 4', 'Autograph 1', 'Autograph 2'

// event start time array
$times = array(
    '9:00 AM', '10:00 AM', '11:00 AM', '1:00 PM', '2:00 PM',
    '3:00 PM', '4:00 PM', '5:00 PM', '6:00 PM', '7:00 PM',
    '8:00 PM', '9:00 PM', '10:00 PM', '11:00 PM', '12:00 AM',
    '1:00 AM', '2:00 AM'

$html = '<table><tr><td bgcolor="green"><table border="1" bordercolor="black"><tr><td></td>';

foreach ($times as $time)
    $html .= '<td width="100" height="25" bgcolor="yellow">';
    $html .= htmlspecialchars($time);
    $html .= '</td>';

foreach ($locations as $location)
    $html .= '<tr><td width="100" height="25" bgcolor="pink">';
    $html .= htmlspecialchars($location);
    $html .= '</td>';

    foreach ($times as $time)
        $html .= '<td width="100" height="25" bgcolor="#70DBDB">';

        $event = array_search($location . $time, $events_flat);

        if ($event === FALSE)
            $html .= ' ';
            $html .= htmlspecialchars($event);

        $html .= '</td>';

    $html .= ' </tr>';

$html .=  '</table></td></tr></table>';

echo $html;

于 2012-07-06T11:42:14.393 回答