我想在两个不同的程序之间发送一个打开的文件描述符。所以我正在使用ioctlwithnamed pipes这样做。但是我得到了 ioctl 的无效参数。

#include <stropts.h>
#include "accesories.c"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>

#define MSGSIZ 63
char *fifo = "fifo";

int send_err(int fd, int errcode, const char *msg)
    int     n;

    if ((n = strlen(msg)) > 0)
        if (write(fd, msg, n) != n)    /* send the error message */

    if (errcode >= 0)
        errcode = -1;   /* must be negative */

    if (send_fd(fd, errcode) < 0)


int send_fd(int fd, int fd_to_send)
    char    buf[2];     /* send_fd()/recv_fd() 2-byte protocol */

    buf[0] = 0;         /* null byte flag to recv_fd() */
    if (fd_to_send < 0) {
        buf[1] = -fd_to_send;   /* nonzero status means error */
        if (buf[1] == 0)
            buf[1] = 1; /* -256, etc. would screw up protocol */
    } else {
        buf[1] = 0;     /* zero status means OK */
    //printf("From the write %d\n",buf[0]);
    if (write(fd, buf, 2) != 2)

    if (fd_to_send >= 0)
        if (ioctl(fd, I_SENDFD, fd_to_send) < 0)
            printf("Eroor ::: %s\n",strerror(errno));

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    int fd, j, nwrite;
    char msgbuf[MSGSIZ+1];
    int fd_to_send;

    if((fd_to_send = open("vi",O_RDONLY)) < 0)
        printf("vi open failed");

    if(argc < 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: sendmessage msg ... \n");
    /* open fifo with O_NONBLOCK set */
    if((fd = open(fifo, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0)
        printf("fifo open failed");

    /* send messages */
    for (j = 1; j < argc; j++)
        if(strlen(argv[j]) > MSGSIZ)
            fprintf(stderr, "message too long %s\n", argv[j]);
        strcpy(msgbuf, argv[j]);
        if((nwrite = write(fd, msgbuf, 6)) == -1)
            printf("message write failed");

    printf("From send_fd %d \n",send_fd(fd,fd_to_send));



文件附件 .h 仅包含一些常见的包含文件,仅此而已。首先我发送一个简单的消息,然后调用send_fd它首先发送一个 2 字节的消息,然后必须使用 ioctl 发送文件描述符。但事实并非如此。


1 回答 1


看起来linux 不支持 I_SENDFD。注释表明它I_SENDFD在文档中,但实际上不受支持,并导致您遇到错误消息。STREAMS的维基百科条目指出 linux 内核不支持流。wikipedia 条目确实指向了一些可用于添加流支持的第三方包,但LiS尚未移植到 2.6 内核,并且OpenSS7在 4 年内没有任何积极的开发。

However, linux does support something similar. This mechanism uses a special message type SCM_RIGHTS to deliver a file descriptor over a UNIX domain socket with sendmsg and obtained from recvmsg. Examples can be found with a simple web search, a complete example seems to be from the book The Linux Programming Interface, with source for sending and receiving.

于 2012-07-06T04:10:58.257 回答