想知道你们是否可以帮我一点,因为我正在搞乱 PHP 邮件程序,我修改了这段代码,但是从这里http://www.askapache.com/php/phpfreaks-eric-rosebrocks-phpmailer-tutorial.html
通过 PHP 邮件程序(使用不同的脚本)发送单个电子邮件可以正常工作,但是现在尝试从数据库中使用下面的脚本发送到多个电子邮件目前不起作用..你能发现它有什么问题吗?虽然我想知道它是否真的对数据库中的电子邮件做了任何事情。我有点困惑。
// Grab our config settings
// Grab the FreakMailer class
//set execution time limit to 5 minutes
$safeMode = ( @ini_get("safe_mode") == 'On' || @ini_get("safe_mode") === 1 ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if ( $safeMode === FALSE ) {
set_time_limit(300); // Sets maximum execution time to 5 minutes (300 seconds)
// ini_set("max_execution_time", "300"); // this does the same as "set_time_limit(300)"
echo "max_execution_time " . ini_get('max_execution_time') . "<br>";
//db connection
$con = mysql_connect("xx","xx","xx");
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("xx", $con);
// Setup body
$textBody = "Dear {MEMBER_NAME},\n\nTEST";
$htmlBody = "Dear {MEMBER_NAME},<br /><br />TEST";
// instantiate the class
$mailer = new FreakMailer();
// Get the user's Email
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT displayname,email FROM engine4_users2")or die(mysql_error());
//lets reset the time limit of the server everytime an email is sent to bypass maximum
while (1==1) {
set_time_limit(30); // sets (or resets) maximum execution time to 30 seconds)
// .... put code to process in here
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($sql))
// Send the emails in this loop.
$member_name = $row->displayname;
if($row->MailType == 'html')
$mailer->Body = str_replace('{MEMBER_NAME}', $member_name, $htmlBody);
$mailer->AltBody = str_replace('{MEMBER_NAME}', $member_name, $textBody);
$mailer->Body = str_replace('{MEMBER_NAME}', $member_name, $textBody);
echo "Mail sent to: " . $member_name . "<br />";
usleep(1000000); // sleep for 1 million micro seconds - will not work with Windows servers / PHP4
// sleep(1); // sleep for 1 seconds (use with Windows servers / PHP4
if (1!=1) {