我有一个读取 CSV 文件并构建数据表的函数。我不会声称这是我自己的,因为它不是。我不记得我从哪里得到它,但它是来自几个不同来源的组合。
我的函数工作正常,直到我需要处理一些值中有“,”逗号的 CSV。谁能帮我解决这个问题来处理这个问题?
非常感谢 ..
示例 CSV 文件
FirstName, LastName, Comment, "address, just city",
John, Smith, "you are very good, but ugly", London,
Britney, Spear, "I am a singer, and beautiful", New York,
Public Function BuildDataTable() As DataTable
Dim myTable As DataTable = New DataTable("MyTable")
Dim i As Integer
Dim myRow As DataRow
Dim fieldValues As String()
Dim myReader As IO.StreamReader
Dim csv2xml As New csv2xml
'Open file and read first line to determine how many fields there are.
myReader = File.OpenText(_fileFullPath)
fieldValues = myReader.ReadLine().Split(_seperator)
'Create data columns accordingly
If _hasheader = False Then
For i = 0 To fieldValues.Length() - 1
myTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Column(" & i & ")"))
'if the file has header, take the first row as header for datatable
For i = 0 To fieldValues.Length() - 1
myTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn(fieldValues(i).Replace(" ", "")))
End If
'Adding the first line of data to data table
myRow = myTable.NewRow
'if the csv file has not got a column header. defined by radio button list on first page by user
'if csv file has header, then not need to read the first line
If _hasheader = False Then
For i = 0 To fieldValues.Length() - 1
myRow.Item(i) = fieldValues(i).ToString
End If
'Now reading the rest of the data to data table
While myReader.Peek() <> -1
fieldValues = myReader.ReadLine().Split(_seperator)
myRow = myTable.NewRow
For i = 0 To fieldValues.Length() - 1
myRow.Item(i) = fieldValues(i).Trim.ToString
'check if there are empty rows in csv, ignore empty rows
If Not csv2xml.AreAllColumnsEmpty(myRow) = True Then
End If
End While
Catch ex As Exception
'MsgBox("Error building datatable: " & ex.Message)
Dim oError As ErrorLog = New ErrorLog
oError.LogError(_strWebsiteName, _
loginID, _
ex.Source.ToString, _
ex.Message.ToString, _
, _
oError = Nothing
Return New DataTable("Empty")
csv2xml = Nothing
myRow = Nothing
End Try
Return myTable
End Function