var now:int = 0;
var thn:int = 0;
function loop():void
// Change the number.
now = changingNumber;
if(now > thn)
trace("Got larger.");
else if(now < thn)
trace("Got smaller.");
trace("Maintained value.");
// Store the changed value for comparison on new loop() call.
// Notice how we do this AFTER 'now' has changed and we've compared it.
thn = now;
或者,您可以为您的值准备一个 getter 和 setter,并在那里管理增加或减少。
// Properties.
var _now:int = 0;
var _thn:int = 0;
// Return the value of now.
function get now():int
return _now;
// Set a new value for now and determine if it's higher or lower.
function set now(value:int):void
_now = value;
// Comparison statements here as per above.
// ...
_thn = _now;