Making Pretty Graphs这篇文章包含一个关于如何从MATLAB图形生成可发布图像的优秀教程。
% Some data to be plotted
t1 = 0:0.1:4*pi ;
t2 = 0:0.01:4*pi ;
f1 = sin(t1) + randn(size(t1))/10 ;
f2 = sin(t2) + cos(t2.^2)/10 + randn(size(t2))/100 ;
% Define the styles to be used
linstyle_11 = {'LineStyle','--','Color',[.3 .6 .6],'LineWidth',1} ;
linstyle_12 = {'LineStyle','o','Color',[.3 .6 .6],'LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',8,'MarkerFaceColor','m'} ;
linstyle_2 = {'Color',[.6 .3 .6],'LineWidth',3} ;
titleprops = {'FontSize',24,'FontWeight','bold',...
'Interpreter','None'} ;
axisprops = {'FontSize',20,'FontWeight','normal','FontName','FixedWidth'} ;
ylim_s = [-2 2] ;
% Set up the figure for PNG/JPEG export
canvas = [1 1 2048 1024] ;
fh = figure(1);
set( fh, ...
'PaperPositionMode','auto', ...
'Position',canvas ) ;
% Do the plotting and apply styles
ha1 = subplot(2,1,1);
hp11 = plot(t1,f1);
hold on
hp12 = plot(t1,f1);
hold off
title('subplot 1',titleprops{:})
ha2 = subplot(2,1,2);
hp2 = plot(t2,f2);
title('subplot 2',titleprops{:})
% finish appliing styles
set(hp11,linstyle_11{:}) ;
set(hp12,linstyle_12{:}) ;
set(hp2,linstyle_2{:}) ;
set(ha1,axisprops{:}) ;
set(ha2,axisprops{:}) ;
% Print
outfname = 'test' ;
print(fh,'-dpng',[outfname,'.png']) ;
% Sometimes it's better to use vector graphics ==>
% alter figure properties to allow proper PDF printouts.
set( fh, ...
'PaperSize', [29.71 13.01], ...
'PaperPosition', [0.01 0.01 29.7 13.0] ) ;
% print to pdf file
print(fh,'-dpdf',[outfname,'.pdf']) ;