i have created a jsp application on netbeans which runs on Tomcat server.The home page of this application includes a login. The purpose of this application is that a logged in user can have a view of a file system usage of any linux system in the network by entering its ip address.The application uses "ssh username@ip" command to fetch the file system info. everything is working well but the problem is that when my application is accessed from a user in the network via the tomcat server,and he tries to retrieve a file system of some ipadd, password to that system is asked on the server computer, it should be asked on the same system the application is accessed from?? can anyone help?


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ssh 进程在服务器上启动(您的应用程序正在运行)...您可以使用java ProcessBuilder获取 ssh 进程的输入和输出流,检测远程主机正在请求凭据并让您的应用程序询问他们的用户。您的应用程序也应该被访问https以确保一路安全。

于 2012-07-05T09:26:16.293 回答