I have a project which I have a number of different branded versions, with two different res folders. ie. res-customer1, res-customer2 Using Maven build profiles I can easily build the project using the specified res folder.

However when it comes to eclipse its another story. What I want to do is to have a setting so that I can specify the res folder that I want, whilst debugging in eclipse.

Anyone know how I can do this?

My current work around is to copy the res-customer1 folder into the res folder work on it and debug in eclipse then move it back to res-customer1 before I can build it using Maven. I don't really want to be doing this as it will be easy to make a mistake and cause myself loads of problems, if I could just direct eclipse to the folder, rather than moving the folder for eclipse would be much less hassle.

Any ideas? Thanks in Advance


2 回答 2


您可以在 Eclipse 中使用Link Source,右键单击您的项目,选择Build Path-> Link Source...

更新:对于某些 Eclipse 版本,请使用此链接




请注意 res 文件夹图标中的小符号在此处输入图像描述,它只是指向 res-customer1 文件夹的符号链接。这种方法的优点是文件系统中现有的项目文件夹保持不变,从一开始就不需要一个可靠的 res 文件夹。

于 2012-07-06T21:46:35.677 回答

只是一个,没有经过测试,但我想知道你是否可以将 res 文件夹作为一个符号链接到你的 res-custmer#folder 中的一个或另一个,然后有一个 shell 脚本来更改符号链接。我知道您可以在项目中拖放文件夹/文件并使其链接到它,而不是复制项目文件夹中的数据。

另一个想法可能是将您的 res-customer# 嵌入到库项目中,并包含一个或另一个项目(这可以通过在 project.properties 文件中注释行很容易地完成)

于 2012-07-05T09:19:21.973 回答