I hoping someone can help me, if have a question about writing into a file using multiple threads/Tasks. See my code sample below...
AddFile return a array of longs holding the values, blobNumber, the offset inside the blob and the size of the data writing into the blob
public long[] AddFile(byte[] data){
long[] values = new long[3];
values[0] = WorkingIndex = getBlobIndex(data); //blobNumber
values[1] = blobFS[WorkingIndex].Position; //Offset
values[2] = length = data.length; //size
//BlobFS is a filestream
blobFS[WorkingIndex].Write(data, 0, data.Length);
return values;
So lets say I use the AddFile function inside a foreach loop like the one below.
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>(System.Environment.ProcessorCount);
foreach(var file in Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Documents"){
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
long[] info = blob.AddFile(data);
return info
task.ContinueWith(// do some stuff);
return result;
I can imagine that this will totally fail, in the way that files will override each other inside the blob due to the fact that the Write function hasn't finished writing file1 and an other task is writing file2 at the same time.
So what is the best way to solve this problem? Maybe using asynchronous write functions...
Your help would be appreciated! Kind regards, Martijn