I have a Wordpress install in the root: domain.com

and I installed OpenX in a sub-directory, I installed it without any problem, and I can access the admin panel and everything without any problem, but when I try to access the following URL's

https://domain.com/ads/www/admin/plugins/videoReport/players.php, I get Wordpress 404

When I try to access only the directory https://domain.com/ads/www/admin/plugins/videoReport I can see the php files, and folders listed.

I added in Wordpress htaccess:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(ads|ads/.*)$

but without any success

EDIT: I added the following htaccess file in ads directory:

RewriteEngine Off

didn't worked


1 回答 1



Openx 安装的插件具有以下权限:文件夹 -> 777 文件 -> 777

我通过 FTP 将所有目录更改为 755,将所有文件更改为 644,插件正常工作,这不是 htaccess 问题

于 2012-07-05T00:01:16.517 回答