编辑:升级到 OpenCV 2.4.2 和 FFMPEG 0.11.1 似乎已经解决了所有的错误和连接问题,但它仍然没有解决帧速率下降的问题。
我在 Ubuntu 12.04 中使用默认的 OpenCV 包,我相信它是 2.3.1。我正在连接流式传输 MJPEG 的 Foscam FI8910W。我已经看到人们说最好的方法是使用 opencv+libjpeg+curl,因为它比 gstreamer 解决方案更快。但是,我偶尔(50% 的时间)可以在构建时从 OpenCV 连接到摄像头并获取视频流。该流以大约 30 fps 的速度开始大约 1 秒,然后减慢到 5-10 fps。我正在进行的项目将需要 6 台摄像机,最好以 15-30 fps 的速度运行(越快越好)。
- 这是 2.4.2 中修复的问题,我应该升级吗?
- 如果没有,有什么想法为什么我会短暂爆发然后变慢?
- 最好的解决方案仍然是使用 curl+libjpeg 吗?
- 我看到很多人说已经发布了解决方案,但很少有实际链接到带有解决方案的帖子。根据http://opencv-users.1802565.n2.nabble.com/IP-camera-solution-td7345005.html在一个地方引用所有实际解决方案(包括 curl 和 gstreamer)将非常方便。
VideoCapture cap;
Mat frame;
cap >> frame;
wr.open("test.avi", CV_FOURCC('P','I','M','1'), 29.92, frame.size(), true);
cout << "Video writer open failed" << endl;
Mat dst = Mat::zeros(frame.rows + HEADER_HEIGHT, frame.cols, CV_8UC3);
Mat roi(dst, Rect(0, HEADER_HEIGHT-1, frame.cols, frame.rows));
Mat head(dst, Rect(0,0,frame.cols, HEADER_HEIGHT));
Mat zhead = Mat::zeros(head.rows, head.cols, CV_8UC3);
namedWindow("test", 1);
time_t tnow;
tm *tS;
double t1 = (double)getTickCount();
double t2;
for(int i = 0; i>-1 ; i++) // infinite loop
cap >> frame;
tnow = time(0);
tS = localtime(&tnow);
std::ostringstream L1, L2;
L1 << tS->tm_year+1900 << " " << coutPrep << tS->tm_mon+1 << " ";
L1 << coutPrep << tS->tm_mday << " ";
L1 << coutPrep << tS->tm_hour;
L1 << ":" << coutPrep << tS->tm_min << ":" << coutPrep << tS->tm_sec;
actValueStr = L1.str();
putText(dst, actValueStr, Point(0,HEADER_HEIGHT/2), fontFace, fontScale, Scalar(0,255,0), fontThickness, 8);
L2 << "Frame: " << i;
t2 = (double)getTickCount();
L2 << " " << (t2 - t1)/getTickFrequency()*1000. << " ms";
t1 = (double)getTickCount();
actValueStr = L2.str();
putText(dst, actValueStr, Point(0,HEADER_HEIGHT), fontFace, fontScale, Scalar(0,255,0), fontThickness, 8);
imshow("test", dst);
wr << dst; // write frame to file
cout << "Frame: " << i << endl;
if(waitKey(30) >= 0)
Using network protocols without global network initialization. Please use avformat_network_init(), this will become mandatory later.
Using network protocols without global network initialization. Please use avformat_network_init(), this will become mandatory later.
[asf @ 0x701de0] max_analyze_duration reached
[asf @ 0x701de0] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[asf @ 0x701de0] ignoring invalid packet_obj_size (21084 656 21720 21740)
[asf @ 0x701de0] freeing incomplete packet size 21720, new 21696
[asf @ 0x701de0] ff asf bad header 0 at:1029744
[asf @ 0x701de0] ff asf skip 678 (unknown stream)
[asf @ 0x701de0] ff asf bad header 45 at:1030589
[asf @ 0x701de0] packet_obj_size invalid
[asf @ 0x701de0] ff asf bad header 29 at:1049378
[asf @ 0x701de0] packet_obj_size invalid
[asf @ 0x701de0] freeing incomplete packet size 21820, new 21684
[asf @ 0x701de0] freeing incomplete packet size 21684, new 21836
Using network protocols without global network initialization. Please use avformat_network_init(), this will become mandatory later.
Using network protocols without global network initialization. Please use avformat_network_init(), this will become mandatory later.
[asf @ 0x701de0] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
Successfully opened network camera
[swscaler @ 0x8cf400] No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv422p to bgr24.
Output #0, avi, to 'test.avi':
Stream #0.0: Video: mpeg1video (hq), yuv420p, 640x480, q=2-31, 19660 kb/s, 90k tbn, 29.97 tbc
[swscaler @ 0x9d25c0] No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv422p to bgr24.
Frame: 0
[swscaler @ 0xa89f20] No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv422p to bgr24.
Frame: 1
[swscaler @ 0x7f7840] No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv422p to bgr24.
Frame: 2
[swscaler @ 0xb9e6c0] No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv422p to bgr24.
Frame: 3
Estimating duration from bitrate