I wrote web application using JSF, xhtml, CSS and Apache Tomcat in Eclipse and I want to start it on Windows Azure emulator. I installed "Windows Azure plugin for eclipse" (here is instruction). When I choose option "Package for Windows Azure" and I want to run application on WA emulator everything is ok - I see information on console "BUILD SUCCESSFUL", server started etc. But when I type application url adress on web browser, it displays

HTTP status 404 The requested resource (/ChatAzure/) is not available.

How is this caused and how can I solve it?


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听起来您的应用程序可能没有进入 Tomcat 的网络应用程序。解决问题的一种方法是在您尝试在模拟器中运行它之后,进入您的 Azure 项目的“部署”文件夹,导航文件夹层次结构,直到您到达特定的角色文件夹(如 WorkerRole1,如果使用默认名称)进入 approot,找到那里的tomcat文件夹,并查看它的webapps文件夹。您可以通过这种方式查看部署逻辑的效果。如果您的应用不在 webapps 中,则可能存在应用部署问题。(实际目录可能会有所不同,具体取决于您自定义部署逻辑的方式)

于 2012-08-06T23:37:59.617 回答