imagecopymerge的 PHP 手册页声明它将图像的一部分复制到另一个图像上。它声明您可以指定要从源复制的区域的原点坐标、宽度和高度,以及放置该区域的目标坐标。
您仍然遇到问题,因为您在源和目标参数中使用相同的坐标和相同的尺寸。相同的尺寸 == 没有调整大小。
$imgframe = $_GET['imgframe'];
$imgphoto = $_GET['imgphoto'];
// I am assuming these specify the area of the imgphoto which
// should be placed in the frame?
$imgwidth = $_GET['imgwidth'];
$imgheight = $_GET['imgheight'];
$imgleft = substr($_GET['imgleft'],0,-2);
$imgtop = substr($_GET['imgtop'],0, -2);
// now you also need to get the size of the frame so that
// you can resize the photo correctly:
$frameSize = getimagesize($imgframe);
$src = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgphoto);//'image.jpg'
$dest = imagecreatefrompng($imgframe);//clip_image002.png
imagealphablending($dest, false);
imagesavealpha($dest, true);
$dest, $src,
0, 0, // these two specify where in the DESTINATION you want to place the source. You might want these to be offset by the width of the frame
$imgleft, $imgtop, // the origin of area of the source you want to copy
$frameSize[0], $frameSize[1], // These specify the size of the area that you want to copy IN TO (i.e., the size in the destination), again you might want to reduce these to take into account the width of the frame
$imgwidth, $imgheight // the size of the area to copy FROM