是否可以使用 jQuery 验证器将字段标记为有效,或者以另一种方式询问远程其关联的错误映射。我正在使用两种自定义 ajax 验证方法,这意味着我的验证方法不能返回 true 或 false。因此,我尝试使用 showErrors: { field: false } 隐藏错误(并标记 validator.invalid.field=false),但我猜测仍然保留了一些错误映射,这会阻止表单在 onsubmit: true 时提交。如果我设置 onsubmit: true 表单将提交,即使其中一个 ajax 验证字段显示错误!

$(document).ready(function () {

    var validator = $(".formframe").validate({
        groups: { phone: "phone_1 phone_2 phone_3" },
        rules: {
            FirstName: { required: true },
            LastName: { required: true },
            Email: { required: true, email_custom: true },
            phone_1: { required: true }, // these two fields get a phone validation rule
            phone_2: { required: true }, // added upon validation triggered by phone_3 
            phone_3: { required: true, phone: true },
            Address1: { required: true },
            City: { required: true },
            PostalZipCode: { required: true, postalcode: true },
            CustField1: { required: true, range: [1950,2012] }
        messages: {
            FirstName: "S'il vous plaît entrer votre prénom",
            LastName: "S'il vous plaît entrer votre nom de famille",
            Email: "S'il vous plaît entrer une adresse email valide",
            phone_1: "S'il vous plaît entrer votre numéro de téléphone",
            phone_2: "S'il vous plaît entrer votre numéro de téléphone",
            phone_3: {
                required: "S'il vous plaît entrer votre numéro de téléphone",
                phone: "Numéro de téléphone doit être réel"
            Address1: "S'il vous plaît, entrer votre adresse",
            City: "S'il vous plaît, entrer votre ville",
            PostalZipCode: {
                required: "S'il vous plaît entrer votre code postal",
                postalcode: "S'il vous plaît entrer votre code postal"
            CustField1: {
                required: "S'il vous plaît entrer votre dernière année d'études",
                range: "Entrer une année de l'obtention du diplôme réel"
        onfocusout: function(element) { $(element).valid(); },
        errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
            if (element.attr("name") == "phone_1" || element.attr("name") == "phone_2" || element.attr("name") == "phone_3") {
            } else {
        onkeyup: false,
        onsubmit: true
    }); console.log(validator);

    // custom email validation method
    $.validator.addMethod("email_custom", function(value, element) {
        var verify = $.tdverify({
            // Use TowerData's domain authentication for best security 
            // or set your license key here
            'license' : 'xxx', 

            // This is the data to validate
            // The values here are the IDs of the input fields.
            // See demo.js on how to use jQuery or DOM to specify fields.
            'email' : $('#Email'),

        // These are the API settings. 
            'settings' : {
                'valid_email' : 'mailbox',  // Enable email validation of mailbox.
                                            // Use value of 'syntaxdomain' for syntax and 
                                            // domain validation only.
                'timeout'    : 5            // Set timeout to 5 seconds

        // because this function uses a callback, we can't return true to the validation
        // method, instead we set validator.invalid.[field name] = false so the form submits
            'onSuccess' : function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
                if (typeof data.email == "object" && data.email.ok == false) {
                    //validator.showErrors({"Email": data.email.status_desc});
                } else {
                    validator.showErrors({"Email": false});
                    delete validator.invalid["Email"];
            'onError' : function() {
                validator.showErrors({"Email": "Email validation timeout"});

    // custom phone validation method
    $.validator.addMethod("phone", function(value, element) {

        // concatenate phone number parts into a single hidden field
        $("#phone").val($("#phone_1").val() + $("#phone_2").val() + $("#phone_3").val());
        // initially only phone_3 has validation enabled, this allows the phone number to be
        // typedfrom start to finish, adding the phone class to phone_1 and phone_2
        // will cause them to be validated if they are changed

        var verify = $.tdverify({
            // Use TowerData's domain authentication for best security 
            // or set your license key here
            'license' : 'xxx', 

            // This is the data to validate
            // The values here are the IDs of the input fields.
            // See demo.js on how to use jQuery or DOM to specify fields.
            'phone' : $("#phone")

        // These are the API settings. 
            'settings' : {
                'valid_phone' : true,       // Enable phone validation
                'timeout'    : 5            // Set timeout to 5 seconds

            'onSuccess' : function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
                if (typeof data.phone != "undefined" && data.phone.ok == false) {
                    //validator.showErrors({"phone": data.phone.status_desc});
                } else {
                    validator.showErrors({"phone_3": false});
                    delete validator.errorMap["phone_1"];
                    delete validator.errorMap["phone_2"];
                    delete validator.errorMap["phone_3"];
                    delete validator.invalid["phone_1"];
                    delete validator.invalid["phone_2"];
                    delete validator.invalid["phone_3"];
            'onError' : function() {
                validator.showErrors({"phone_3": "Phone validation timeout"});

    $.validator.addMethod("postalcode", function(postalcode, element) {
        if(postalcode.length == 6 && !parseInt(postalcode)){
            // no space in postal code
            var s = postalcode.substring(0,3) + ' ' + postalcode.substring(3);
            element.value = s;
        return this.optional(element) || postalcode.match(/(^[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXYabceghjklmnpstvxy]{1}\d{1}[A-Za-z]{1} ?\d{1}[A-Za-z]{1}\d{1})$/);

    // phone number auto-tabbing
    $('#phone_1').autotab({ target: 'phone_2', format: 'numeric' });
    $('#phone_2').autotab({ target: 'phone_3', format: 'numeric', previous: 'phone_1' });
    $('#phone_3').autotab({ previous: 'phone_2', format: 'numeric' });

    // allows only numeric input:
    // this keydown binding won't allow letters at all, the above autotab
    // numeric format simply removes anything typed that isn't within 0-9
    $("#phone_1,#phone_2,#phone_3,#CustField1").keydown(function(event) {
        // Allow: backspace, delete, tab, escape, and enter
        if ( event.keyCode == 46 || event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 9 || event.keyCode == 27 || event.keyCode == 13 || 
            // Allow: Ctrl+A
            (event.keyCode == 65 && event.ctrlKey === true) || 
            // Allow: home, end, left, right
            (event.keyCode >= 35 && event.keyCode <= 39)) {
                // let it happen, don't do anything
        } else {
            // Ensure that it is a number and stop the keypress
            if (event.shiftKey || (event.keyCode < 48 || event.keyCode > 57) && (event.keyCode < 96 || event.keyCode > 105 )) {

    // automatically capitalize letters in postal code  
    $("#PostalZipCode").keyup(function() {

1 回答 1


在将“取消”类添加到阻止验证 onsubmit 的提交按钮后,我能够让 submitHandler 执行。我尝试设置 onsubmit: false 但随后允许提交无效表单。奇怪的是,设置 onsubmit: true (默认行为)并将 class="cancel" 添加到提交按钮会在表单有效并且不允许提交无效表单时触发 submitHandler。

这是我的 submitHandler ,它检查是否 validator.invalid 为空并且没有空字段。这可以防止在所有字段为空时提交。我确信有一种更优雅的方法可以删除自定义 ajax 验证方法(与之相关的 $ 费用)并让表单在提交之前使用所需的规则重新验证。

submitHandler: function(form) {
    var emptyFields = false;
    $(":input").each(function() {
        if ($(this).val() === "") emptyFields = true;
    if ($.isEmptyObject(validator.invalid) && !emptyFields) { // all is valid, submit
    } else {
        alert("Please correct some errors");

此外,为了让 form.submit() 在 Safari 中工作,我必须将其名称从 name="submit" 更改为 name="send"(提交以外的其他名称),请参阅以下链接: http://www. luqmanmarzuki.com/read/20101222/jquery_form_validation_not_submitting_in_safari.html http://api.jquery.com/submit/#comment-106178333

这是另一个解决方案: JQuery Validate - class="cancel" submit button only stop validation once

于 2012-07-04T20:31:45.660 回答