如何编写通过我的项目并查找具有特殊属性并能够收集 2 条信息的类的反射代码:ClassName.PropertyName 和传递给属性内 ResourceManager.GetValue 的字符串。我的代码如下。请帮忙。谢谢
public void TestMethod1()
Dictionary<string, string> mydictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
mydictionary = ParseAllClassesWithAttribute("MyAttribute");
Assert.AreEqual(mydictionary["MyClass.FirstNameIsRequired"].ToString(), "First Name is Required");
private Dictionary<string, string> ParseAllClassesWithAttribute(string p)
Dictionary<string,string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// use reflection to go through the class that is decorated by attribute MyAttribute
// and is able to extract ClassName.PropertyName along with what is Inside
// GetValue method parameter.
// In the following I am artificially populating the dictionary object.
dictionary.Add("MyClass.FirstNameIsRequired", "First Name is Required");
return dictionary;
public class MyClass
public string FirstNameIsRequired
return ResourceManager.GetValue("First Name is required");
public static class ResourceManager
public static string GetValue(string key)
return String.Format("some value from the database based on key {0}",key);