I'm planning to do a project using ATmega (I can't use an Arduino directly because of my university's restrictions). But I really want to use the Arduino's IDE, serial monitor, plotting graphs using Processing for debugging purposes. Can I dump my regular ATmega code into an Arduino and use serial monitor for debugging purposes?

Can I use an Arduino Uno board just like any other normal AVR development board so that I can get the best of both worlds. I googled it, but I didn't get the answer I need.


1 回答 1


如果您的意思是在没有 Arduino 库的情况下使用 Arduino 的 AVR 微控制器:这是完全可能的。不过,您将不得不处理一些较低级别的东西。您可以从我迄今为止对libavrutil所做的工作中获得一些灵感。

于 2012-07-03T21:19:04.440 回答