
public class Assign7{
  private double finalScore;
  private double private_quiz1;
  private double private_quiz2;
  private double private_midTerm;
  private double private_final;
  private final char grade;

  public Assign7(double finalScore){
    private_quiz1 = 1.25;
    private_quiz2 = 1.25;
    private_midTerm = 0.25;
    private_final = 0.50;

       if (finalScore >= 90) {
           grade = 'A';
       } else if (finalScore >= 80) {
           grade = 'B';
       } else if (finalScore >= 70) {
           grade = 'C';
       } else if (finalScore>= 60) {
           grade = 'D';
       } else {
           grade = 'F';

  public String toString(){
    return finalScore+":"+private_quiz1+":"+private_quiz2+":"+private_midTerm+":"+private_final;



import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;

public class Assign7Test{
  public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception{

  int q1,q2;
  int m = 0;
  int f = 0;
  int Record ; 
  String name;

    Scanner myIn = new Scanner( new File("scores.txt") );

    System.out.println( myIn.nextLine() +"  avg  "+"letter");

   while( myIn.hasNext() ){
      name = myIn.next();
      q1 = myIn.nextInt();
      q2 = myIn.nextInt();
      m = myIn.nextInt();
      f = myIn.nextInt();
       Record myR = new Record( name, q1,q2,m,f);


public static class Record {

       public Record() {

       public Record(String name, int q1, int q2, int m, int f)


一旦编译了代码,我就会得到这个,它会准确计算我在 score.txt 中的数字 名称 quiz1 quiz2 期中最终平均字母



Exception in thread "main" java.until.InputMismatchException    
    at java.until.Scanner.throwFor(Unknown Source)    
    at java.until.Scanner.next(Unknown Source)    
    at java.until.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)        
    at java.until.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)    
    at Assign7Test.main(Assign7Test.java:25)

3 回答 3


Exception aside, you actually are printing objects of type Record. What you would need to do is override toString() to provide a decent representation of your object.

public String toString() {
    return "Something meaningful about your Record object.";

I also note that you're advancing the Scanner by use of nextLine() in System.out.println('...'). You may want to comment that part out of your code.

于 2012-07-03T21:16:13.700 回答


此外,将其放入记录的 toString 中以停止打印地址。


public static class Record {

   public Record() {

   public Record(String name, int q1, int q2, int m, int f)

    public String toString(){}//print out stuff here.


于 2012-07-03T21:17:57.453 回答


public static class Record {  
    String name;
    int q1;
    int q2;
    int m;
    int f;

    public Record() {}         
    public Record(String name, int q1, int q2, int m, int f) {
        // here you save the given arguments localy in the Record.
        this.name = name;
        this.q1 = q1;
        this.q2 = q2;
        this.m = m;
        this.f = f;
public String toString(){
   //here you write out the localy saves variables.
   //this function is called when you write System.out.println(myRecordInstance);
   System.out.println(name + ":" + q1 + ":" + q2 + ":" + m + ":" + f);


它的作用:您必须通过创建记录来保存参数。另外,如果要使用 System.out.println(myRecordInstance); ,则必须覆盖 toString 方法;相反,您可以在 Record 中编写一个返回 String 的其他函数,并打印出该函数的返回值,例如System.out.println(myRecordInstace.writeMe());然后您需要将该函数添加到记录中。

public String writeMe(){
System.out.println(name + ":" + q1 + ":" + q2 + ":" + m + ":" + f);
于 2012-07-10T15:08:24.223 回答