我正在使用 EF4.3.1 并实现了 DBContext。
我有几个具有父子关系的实体。当我更新现有父实体时,我检索现有父实体,进行更改,将其附加到上下文,将其标记为已修改并调用 SaveChanges()。

例如,假设我的父实体是一个程序,每个程序都有一个子位置集合。当我第一次插入一个程序时,它有 3 个位置。当我稍后去更新父级时,位置的数量已减少到 2。我的第一种方法会将剩余的 2 个位置标记为“已修改”,并将 3 个保留为“未更改”。


Public Sub MarkUnmodifiedChildrenAsDeleted(Of T As Class)(context As DbContext, theEntity As T)

    'get all of the children navigation properties of the Entity
    Dim navigationProperties As List(Of NavigationProperty) = context.GetNavigationProperties(Of T)().Where(Function(w) w.ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity = RelationshipMultiplicity.Many).ToList

    'get the
    Dim primaryKeyProperty As PropertyInfo = FindPrimaryKeyProperty(context, theEntity)
    Dim pkValue As Integer = CInt(primaryKeyProperty.GetValue(theEntity, Nothing))

    For Each navigationProperty In navigationProperties
        Dim theList = context.Entry(theEntity).Collection(navigationProperty.Name).CurrentValue
        If theList.count > 0 Then
            'get the foreign key property on the child entity
            Dim foreignKeyName As String = DirectCast(navigationProperty.RelationshipType, AssociationType).ReferentialConstraints.Single().ToProperties.Single.Name

            'get the child type
            Dim propInfo As PropertyInfo = GetType(T).GetProperty(navigationProperty.Name)
            Dim propValue As Object = propInfo.GetValue(theEntity, Nothing)
            Dim theChildType As Type = propValue.GetType().GetGenericArguments()(0)

            'get a dbset that contains all of the Entities that match the Child Type in the database
            Dim theDBSet = context.Set(theChildType)
            For Each item In theDBSet
                Dim dbEE As DbEntityEntry = context.Entry(item)
                'if the entity is a child of the current Parent Entity and it's marked as UnChanged, mark it to Deleted
                If dbEE.Property(foreignKeyName).CurrentValue = pkValue AndAlso dbEE.State = EntityState.Unchanged Then
                    dbEE.State = EntityState.Deleted
                End If
        End If

End Sub

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