
I´m planning to launch an app for the iPhone. I wonder if there is a way to launch the app, country by country? For example, if I first begin with the Norwegian market and after 4 four weeks I launch the app in the US. If this is possible, how can I do this step by step?

And also if the mentioned procedure above is possible, will the app appear in some kind of “new releases” in the App store, every time I add a new country?


2 回答 2


当您转到 iTunes Connect、权利和定价小节中的“管理您的应用程序”部分时,您有机会选择您的应用程序可用的市场(点击“特定商店”链接)。


于 2012-07-03T11:51:12.593 回答

每个国家都有自己的 AppStore,确实可以在每个国家的 AppStore 中添加和删除应用程序。


于 2012-07-03T11:50:55.877 回答