When my activity is destroyed by OS because of memory (for example when a phone call is interrupting it), then when my activity tries to start again, it doesn't come back to any expected call back except onDestroy(), how can I restore my activity again.

Note: - it doesn't go back to neither onCreate() nor onRestoreInstanceState(). - my activity contains a thread.

Edit: isFinishing() returns false at onPause() (before interruption) and it returns true at onDestroy() when come back again (after interruption is gone).


2 回答 2


您应该覆盖 onPause() 和 onResume() 方法。

当电话或其他事件中断您的活动执行时,将调用 onPause()。

然后,当您的活动再次进行时,将执行 onResume。

于 2012-07-03T11:49:34.853 回答


  • 在清单,应用程序,应用程序节点,然后选择我的活动-

之后我发现当尝试再次回到我的活动时它不会调用 onDestroy() ,它会按预期调用 onResume() 。并将“配置更改”设置为“方向”。

于 2012-07-05T07:35:02.857 回答