Hi i trying to get coverage for a class that has few future method (for web service call) and few concrete static methods. but after calling future method, i am unable to call other methods... Can you please tell me how to take coverage for future method and web service calls.
my class structure :
public with sharing class AccountSynchController {
@future (callout=true)
public static void importAccount(Set<Id> ids) {
@future (callout=true)
public static void importContact(Set<Id> ids) {
[future methods are called from trigger]
Test Class Code :
VAT__c testVat = new VAT__c();
testVat.Code__c = '3';
insert testVat;
Account testAccount = new Account();
testAccount.Name = 'Test Account';
testAccount.VATSales__c = testVat.Id;
testAccount.VATPurchase__c = testVat.Id;
testAccount.KvK_Nummer__c = '12312312';
testAccount.PhoneExt__c = '12312312';
testAccount.Website = '12312312';
testAccount.BillingPostalCode = '12312312';
testAccount.BillingCity = '12312312';
testAccount.Fax = '12312312';
testAccount.Phone = '12312312';
testAccount.BillingStreet = '12312312';
testAccount.BTW_Nummer__c = '12312312';
testAccount.BillingCountry = '12312312';
testAccount.BillingState = '12312312';
testAccount.BTW_Nummer__c = '12312312';
testAccount.E_mail__c = 'test@gmail.com';
testAccount.Taal__c = 'NL';
testAccount.SalesPaymentConditionCode__c = '15';
testAccount.Code__c = '102';
testAccount.fromExact__c = false;
testAccount.Exact_Id__c = '123123';
insert testAccount;
Contact testContact = new Contact();
testContact.AccountId = testAccount.Id;
testContact.Birthdate = system.today();
testContact.Conact_Exact_Number__c = '12312312312';
testContact.Email = 'test@gmail.com';
testContact.FirstName = 'first';
testContact.Title_Code__c = 'Mr.';
testContact.Geslacht__c = 'M';
testContact.Initials__c = 'I';
testContact.Language_Code__c = 'NL';
testContact.LastName = 'last';
testContact.MiddleName__c = 'middle';
testContact.Phone = '12321312312';
testContact.fromExact__c = false;
insert testContact;