
public ActionResult AddCustomer()
    return ContextDependentView(new _Customers());

public ActionResult EditCustomer(int sno)
    return ContextDependentView(entity.Customers.Where(x => x.sno == sno).FirstOrDefault());

private ActionResult ContextDependentView(object model)
    string actionName = ControllerContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");
    if (Request.QueryString.AllKeys != null)
        ViewBag.FormAction = "Json" + actionName;
        return PartialView(model);
        ViewBag.FormAction = actionName;
        return View(model);


@Html.ActionLink("Müşteri Ekle", "AddCustomer", "Customer", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { id = "AddCustomerLink", data_dialog_title = "Yeni Müşteri" })
<div class="div_grid_container" id="div_grid_container_customers">
<table id="table_grid" class="tablesorter">
        @foreach (var item in Model)
                <td>@Html.ActionLink("Düzenle", "EditCustomer", "Customer", routeValues: new { sno = item.sno }, htmlAttributes: new { id = "EditCustomerLink", data_dialog_title = "Müşteri Bilgileri Güncelle" })


$(function () {
// Cache for dialogs
var dialogs = {};

var getValidationSummaryErrors = function ($form) {
    // We verify if we created it beforehand
    var errorSummary = $form.find('.validation-summary-errors, .validation-summary-valid');
    if (!errorSummary.length) {
        errorSummary = $('<div class="validation-summary-errors"><span>Lütfen hataları düzeltin ve tekrar deneyin.</span><ul></ul></div>')

    return errorSummary;

var displayErrors = function (form, errors) {
    var errorSummary = getValidationSummaryErrors(form)

    var items = $.map(errors, function (error) {
        return '<li>' + error + '</li>';

    var ul = errorSummary

var resetForm = function ($form) {
    // We reset the form so we make sure unobtrusive errors get cleared out.


var formSubmitHandler = function (e) {
    var $form = $(this);

    // We check if jQuery.validator exists on the form
    if (!$form.valid || $form.valid()) {
        $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serializeArray())
            .done(function (json) {
                json = json || {};

                // In case of success, we redirect to the provided URL or the same page.
                if (json.success) {
                    location = json.redirect || location.href;
                } else if (json.errors) {
                    displayErrors($form, json.errors);
            .error(function () {
                displayErrors($form, ['Bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu.']);

    // Prevent the normal behavior since we opened the dialog

var loadAndShowDialog = function (id, link, url) {
    var separator = url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?';

    // Save an empty jQuery in our cache for now.
    dialogs[id] = $();

    // Load the dialog with the content=1 QueryString in order to get a PartialView
    $.get(url + separator + 'content=1')
        .done(function (content) {
            dialogs[id] = $('<div class="modal-popup">' + content + '</div>')
                .hide() // Hide the dialog for now so we prevent flicker
                .filter('div') // Filter for the div tag only, script tags could surface
                .dialog({ // Create the jQuery UI dialog
                    title: link.data('dialog-title'),
                    modal: true,
                    resizable: true,
                    draggable: true,
                    width: link.data('dialog-width') || 600,
                    beforeClose: function () { resetForm($(this).find('form')); }
                .find('form') // Attach logic on forms

// List of link ids to have an ajax dialog
var links = ['#loginLink', '#registerLink', '#AddCustomerLink', '#AddCustomerMeterLink', '#EditCustomerLink'];

$.each(links, function (i, id) {
    $(id).click(function (e) {
        var link = $(this),
            url = link.attr('href');

        if (!dialogs[id]) {
            loadAndShowDialog(id, link, url);
        } else {

        // Prevent the normal behavior since we use a dialog

我的问题是,当我单击第一个链接 ( AddCustomer) 时,它会打开一个对话框窗格。但是我单击了 foreach 语句中的其他内容,它不起作用(它作为经典 html 而不是在对话框窗格中打开)。AddCustomer.cshtml并且EditCustomer.cshtml是相同的。EditCustomer(int sno)当我从行动中删除 sno它可以工作。(EditCustomer()而不是EditCustomer(int sno)这项工作。)

我该如何解决。我想将参数传递给操作并使用 ui-dialog-pane。



1 回答 1


您似乎使用了 id-selector,即$('#EditCustomerLink')
由于每个页面的 id 应该是唯一的,因此 jQuery 在找到具有此类 id 的第一个元素后停止解析 DOM。


<td>@Html.ActionLink("Düzenle", "EditCustomer", "Customer", routeValues: new { sno = item.sno }, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "EditCustomerLink", data_dialog_title = "Müşteri Bilgileri Güncelle" })


于 2012-07-03T08:47:08.510 回答