假设整数并且您已经验证了您不想参与比较的非数字字符,您可以清理一些前导/尾随的东西,然后只比较长度,如果长度相等,然后执行普通的 ascii 比较,这将适用于任意长度的数字:
function mTrim(val) {
var temp = val.replace(/^[\s0]+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
if (!temp) {
temp = "0";
var test = mTrim(document.getElementById("test").value);
var actual = mTrim(document.getElementById("actual").value);
if (test.length > actual.length) {
// test is greater than actual
} else if (test.length < actual.length) {
// test is less than actual
} else {
// do a plain ascii comparison of test and actual
if (test == actual) {
// values are the same
} else if (test > ascii) {
// test is greater than actual
} else {
// test is less than actual