I recently found out about my Resharpers plugin function "Quick Documentation". This function is pretty damn sweet because it shows much more detailed code documentation than VS2008 standard layout and it also nicer to look at. I love using it, but the problem is that I have to press Ctrl+Q every time to view it.

Is there any way to overwrite the VS2008 popup code documentation with Resharper's quick documentation?

I have looked in several forums, including Jetbrian's but have not found anything to confirm nor deny if it is possible.

PS. If you know how to do it in VS2010 aswell it would be sweet to, though not my priority at the moment.


1 回答 1



  1. 通常,弹出窗口应显示文档摘要。否则,弹出窗口将太大而无法舒适使用
  2. ReSharper 插入标准的 VS 弹出窗口。在 VS2008 中,弹出窗口只能包含纯文本 - 弹出窗口中的高级标记功能仅在 VS2010 之后出现
于 2012-07-06T09:53:59.983 回答